
Hendricks is great...but for the Indians this is the best case scenario of the Cubbies pitchers.

I like your prediction. I think Kluber will have a tough road...but he is a true Ace. I just don’t know if the Indian bats can come through. I hope.

Tomlin was fine if not a bit shaky when the outfield failed him. Naquin had a horrible game both in the field and at the plate. The Cubs got really lucky in a road game. Tonight will be different.

Honestly, the Indians go as far as Kluber takes them. If he is strong, I completely believe they can score 3 runs off Hendricks. That should be enough to win.

Well, here we comes down to one game. It is a lot to ask of Kluber, but I think at home with the title on the line, the Indians will win.

I find it interesting that the Judge, supporting the freedoms of Muslims, was paraphrasing Acts 17:28: “For in him we live and move and have our being” referring to Jesus. Praise Jesus and the one true God for honoring individuals living in America for their faith in the endowment of inalienable rights.

I won’t speak for Jane, but Gina Rodriguez should never be allowed to leave a bedroom w/out an orgasm unless it was by her choice.

I think it is interesting that men and women deal with the opposite ends of the spectrum issues within sexual encounters. Typically men orgasm often and quickly while women orgasm less frequently and require more time. I think it is a special sort of issue that requires communication and b/c of the intimate nature

I think what is confusing is how the autistic kid gets lost and nobody else running thought, hey, you know...i better go help that kid.

First, I don’t think it is that odd for women not to orgasm. Sometimes they just won’t get “there.” Second, they are far more responsible for their own orgasms than we want to admit. Yes, their male partner needs to be attentive, easy to communicate with and willing...but let’s not create some unrealistic

Ha! Perfect considering the next decade will be all about that baseball team on the North Side!

I think the interesting Batman story is not what he does in costume at night in his city to fight crime, but what he does in the boardroom during the day! Fox has hit on some of that in young Bruce on Gotham...but can you imagine a 20/30 something Bruce Wayne at the head of Wayne Industries leading that company to

She had plastic surgery?

Episode VII was so disappointing. Return of the Jedi established Luke as the hero Jedi and force for good...Episode VII shows him to be defeated, weak and an abject failure at bringing forth a new generation of Jedi. It makes me sick.

I am pretty sure that women can be just as lewd if not more so in their ranking/dissecting of the men in their lives. They are not lambs being led to slaughter...just as often they are the wolves.

These are student athletes at HARVARD! They are the 1%. They have brains, money, opportunity and I am sure are all physically attractive is some way to some man somewhere. This isn’t some woe is me tale.

The only issue I had with the list was that it wasn’t more “generally” positive about all the women and took a turn for the lewd. Guys finding women attractive and putting them on some subjective scale of beauty is just typical of is to be judged.

I don’t get it either...and surely he won’t stay in Cleveland and surely Cleveland won’t pay him.

It takes two to tango. We don’t live in a Rape Culture, we live in a Licentious Culture where men are titilated and women is on both genders to fix.

When you say “We’ve” you are talking about women, right?