
I think people have totally twisted the meaning a “appropriation.”

Any attention that can be positively drawn to an activity should be met with a sincere ‘Thank you.’ Kendall’s shoot keeps ballet in people’s thoughts and that is a good thing. Her imperfection should make real people appreciate the professionals that much more.

It is a complicated issue. Taking away an abuser’s livelihood can make matters worse...particularly if they are model professionals.

So, the X-Men suck. Here is why. Writer’s have never figured out how to handle Cyclops. They rely too heavily on Jean Grey /Phoenix over simply Jean Grey. Emma Frost has taken over as the female alpha. They focus too much on Wolverine. They have played with Colussus’ and Ice Man’s sexuality to the point of

One thing that shocked me is that Negan didn’t take Rosalita with him. She’s hot.

I was shocked when he killed Glenn. I thought when Abraham went down he was safe. Negan is a monster. Rick will have to become something else entirely to defeat him. They have to save Darryl. Ughh...this season is going to be tough.

I will say this, the misery of that city’s sports franchises are worth:

My guess is that they introduce her in this film, but have to find the actual actress to play her in the solo films...because they will need someone older and far sexier than what I see here.

This description makes me think he hasn’t written a damn thing for this movie yet. That being said, I can’t wait. Also, not a fan of him losing his hand and I pray they stay clear of that.

It is a complete shame that they wasted Jackman and the Wolverine character and are only now just getting him right.

Meh, I don’t buy it. I don’t think any of these women have claims that seem legitimate.

Honestly, I think it is imperative that the Health Department begin a campaign to hold homosexuals accountable for this rise in STD rates. I think we can no longer sugar coat this...their promiscuity and risky sexual behavior is a public health crises and should be treated as such.

I think Trump should be lauded for having anything at all to do with producing such an attractive daughter.

What a great run for this Indians team...and like the Cubs they are really built for the long haul. I expect them to be this competitive over the next 5yrs. Would love to seem them bank a few WS rings along the way.

I would say that strength and power are different and that men have an advantage in both naturally. Women who train though have a great advantage with leg strength over untrained men...

As a father, I would just say that if that diagnosis was true, if you even had a few moments with that child in your arms and could let him feel you skin to skin in its only moments here on earth, I would never choose any other option for all involved.

I wouldn’t bet that she didn’t say that...but she is denying it so....

While I personally loved the ‘95 and ‘97 versions of the Indians better, this ‘16 roster is really great. I hate there are so many key injuries, but I think we have a good chance of taking this thing!

So, the jist is don’t engage in promiscuous sex and avoid homosexuality.

Abstinence works 100% of the time. You have to make that choice. Apparently you also have to choose to opt out of homosexual sex too.