
I think he is an HOFer.

Go Tribe! The Indians are relentless. So excited. If we can get Carrasco back we may have a real chance here to win the whole darn thing!

Honestly, the Cubs wasting an Arrieta hr makes me feel like they deserve to lose this series. Go Giants!

I would argue that having a small penis my have been the key contributor to his sexual violence toward women.

Sounds like Mulan has become Pocahontas.

Just a wasted character. With all the males in the bat family, how can she be characterized as a lesbian. Makes no sense.

Let’s not go overboard. He will take time off and recover. Nobody is promised tomorrow so we should do what we love today with our eye on tomorrow. He works with a great medical staff. He just needs to be watchful.

Outside a few “casual” articles and quick “mentions” very few people in my sports circles are discussing what amounts to one of the most horrifying stories in sports right now and that is the possible gang rape of a woman led by D Rose. This is huge.

Kim, Kourtney, Kendall and Kylie are winners in the genetic lottery. Modern medicine hasn’t hurt either.

He’s horrible.

I do agree that shows with the format of a First Take could run smoothly with many adequate professionals who are up to speed on current sport topics.

Who are “these people?” Conservatives in general are very open minded people with some great ideas for bettering this country. No, they aren’t the “everything goes” crowd, but they have a very clear understanding of what works.

I think if old-fashioned journalism was really to be lauded we wouldn’t walk away with warm fuzzy feelings about Clinton either.

I think there is a big difference b/n acting within the bounds of law and the validity of those actions. She holds both views rather well here. He can do it, but she thinks it is ridiculous. I don’t fault her for that.

Agent Carter is dead. Marvel rode that wave as far as it would take them.

Just asking, but if this guy was squeaky clean would there have really been a market for this film?

I think Jezebel should be ashamed for using Trump’s “locker room talk” to take the opportunity to make vulgar headlines. If the term “p#@&^” isn’t accepted in male spaces, it surely isn’t in public ones.

I just really hate the Nationals. Dodgers gotta get their stuff together here.

I guess the question always comes down to whether or not this is the Hall of Fame or the Hall of Very Good. Rickey was great, Raines was very good. I don’t ever remember thinking, “oh man, X team can’t beat the Expos/Sox b/c they have Raines.” But I do remember thinking, who can beat the A’s w/ Rickey?

Honestly, if it was Ivanka for her in a minute.