
I still don’t get it. I mean we draft out of the same pool of players everyone else does. We pick guys ranked highly by everyone else. How on earth can we not play football? I mean we joke about the QB, but nobody else can play either.

I think that is the real question...what subject would a boy/man know nothing about? I mean it is one thing for a male accountant to explain the cardiovascular system to a female doctor...

I think we are conflating the two. One can be a trump supporter without being xenophobic or racist. Xenophobia or Racism are separate heart issues that may find comfort in Trumps rhetoric, but exist on their own.

What is so funny, for normal people with normal showers that hits the nail on the head. The fantasy of shower sex was one of the first that imploded for me. Chilly, awkward, level of difficulty on the high side...

I think one pieces are very attractive. This specific style however is not for the general public. This is for women who have personal trainers and only eat salad. These are for those women to take photos in. They are not for real women...which should be pretty apparent.

So, here is the the last members of the Kryptonian race, do Clark and Kara have a responsibility to procreate?

What does that mean?

Come on, Kamala Khan? The girl with the really big fist? Supergirl is infinitely more interesting.

I think Marvel has hit the wall. I don’t expect much from their next offerings. The films to this point have been fun and I think they are re-watchable...but they never accomplished anything to the levels of DC.

What I find so interesting is this series has 4-5 very bankable young stars with talent. For it to flop like this, especially after the first film has to be blamed on the writers, producers, marketers. The first person I would blame is the one that allowed her to film with such short hair...if she cut it for another

I thought the first film was excellent. The second was unwatchable b/c of her hair. I have yet to see the third film.

Marvel’s worst nightmare is happening. They have sent their best...and now have to rely on Dr. Strange and Black Panther to carry the torch while DC is getting ready to destroy box offices with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Justice League, a Batman solo film, Cyborg and another Superman! Wow...

DCEU doesn’t have problems, just critics. Man of Steel was a brilliant reboot of the most iconic super hero movie of all time. Good luck Marvel when you have to do the same for Iron Man or Cap in 10yrs. BvS was one of the most interesting films ever made in the genre. The Ultimate Edition was a breath of fresh air.

A few things. She is very attractive and wealthy. She has no real worries and can choose men using a slightly different scale than most b/c she doesn’t need a provider. He obviously has a music dream and a normal part time job like most. She is giving him access and monetary support and probably sex...what more could

She’s great. Beautiful, intelligent and a passionate love for this country. These are the voices we should applaud...and I pray she finds a wonderful husband and has many children who believe very similarly.

I could not agree with her more.

I am not even sure anyone knows what they are protesting anymore? Police Brutality? The Anthem? Kaepernick getting benched? A Hockey coach? I mean...what is it about?

I will say this, they are right. The family unit is the single most significant building block of a strong community and country. It is essential for the black community to re-commit to the nuclear family and seeing the Obama’s in the Whitehouse as a married couple with children is significant for the future. Many

Yes, that is true. A quick google search shows numerous stories, articles and advice columns dealing with the issue of women who have difficulty with pain related to accommodating their boyfriend/husband’s member.

I believe him. Sounds like a consensual encounter. It also sounds like he did indeed stop.