
I agree with you and understand what you meant by your last point.

I think a big factor is whether or not you are in a working environment that uses the practice of providing raises. Most do not work in such environments.

In common language “vagina” is perfectly acceptable and it is very annoying for people to correct people if we aren’t specifically within a medical context...or preparing our young women for a biology test.

I think it is funny that people blame women’s ignorance of their bodies on patriarchy.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with using medication, having trusted loved ones manage your financial situation or give your attention and energy to your kids.

Very true.

I think being passionate about your children is wonderful. I mean Spears has done it all. Conquered the music world, made millions and still performs. If her joy is found in her children, that is not a bad thing.

I am not sure at that point if it’s about teaching or practice at that point. A fully formulated and practiced abstinence program is infallible. One can’t get pregnant if abstaining. Using contraception although valuable in all facets...still opens the door for pregnancy, disease and emotional troubles to come about.

While I am a proponent of sex education I think it must be coupled with abstinence theory. You cannot divorce the physical act of sex from the emotional, physical, moral and civic consequences and responsibilities carried by mature adults. It is also important to ground sexual activity within the marriage paradigm b/c

I mean if Bruce Jenner can be a girl trapped in a man’s body why can’t Rachel have a black soul trapped in a white body?

As Justin Bieber sang, “What do you mean?”

Parker and this movie provide a great climate for this. 1) Because the movie is supposed to be wonderful and it can speak to redemption and 2) Because he was acquitted so you can use him as a point of reference for how we need to be better because he was exonerated of rape but behavior can always be improved.

First, he was acquitted. The movie should stand on its own.

Can I ask a real question here. What was so wrong with the Empire? It was organized and well led. The galaxy was at peace. Normal people like moisture farmers could make a decent living. Obi-Wan was able to live years in the dessert without being bothered and didn’t seem too troubled. I mean for all we know it was

I hope Darth Vader kills every single one of these characters starting with Erso b/c this is just crap. It would be great if a speedster could change the timeline too so Vader could chop down his grandkids too including Rey b/c what garbage.

Why so much energy being wasted on this female Ghostbusters movie in terms of time, energy and words? It was horrible.

Star Wars was originally marketed as “Star Wars.” It is said that although Lucas wanted to call it Episode IV: A New Hope, it was thought to be confusing to audiences so it was left out. And yes, Raiders of the Lost Ark was originally Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That was amazing. It makes you want similar courses to be available to the general public to do some of those events. Obviously the split wall is a bit advanced, but much of that would be awesome to try.

I would disagree. The nature of intimate relationships and fidelity foundationally work b/c of the monogamous structure. Pornography brings a “third party” into that relationship either knowingly or secretly for purposes of individual fulfillment that could be fetish or typical selfishness...but what it does to the

I would just say that if you do not believe that porn is damaging to men, women and their relationships than you are fooling yourself. It is a blight.