
Yep. Not surprised. Sorry, but “kids” don’t need to be on people’s private property at 1:30am. If this is what this game does, allows kids to think there are no “borders” or common sense rules to privacy and might take a tragedy for this craze to end.

Maybe the strange thing is that not one black person believes in conservative politics? Where are they?

I thought the recent Godzilla was brilliant. A real epic that connected to reality.

I think it would be nice for classic films like Ghostbusters, Star Wars etc...just to re-launch in theaters for limited runs for new generations. Reboots should be limited.

This is insane.

I think that is great. 1,000 schools with no rapes. The war is being won and I think some good news in this arena is welcomed. Men and women aren’t enemies. They are allies and can do a lot to help each other in the sexual arena.

I think it is a ridiculous stance. North Carolina is one of the best states in the union for its people, history, geography etc...The HB2 law is reasonable and affects a very small portion of the population “inconveniently” and allows redress to move from the state to the federal courts quickly w/out adding time or

This is really about respect. Respect for persons. Respect for authority. The black community and the police have a road of reconciliation ahead. But, unfortunately, there are a lot of white people getting killed by cops too...let’s not be blind to that while working on this.

To me, wonder woman being a demigoddess makes also makes sense that growing up an amazon doesn’t sit well due to her larger sense of responsibility which is why she leaves. Her feminine character, love of animals, warrior spirit and love of a woman is created for should all easily co-mingle. Her

I hope Crowell makes good on his promise. I want to root for him and this team, but that was over the line. Its an emotional time, so lets forgive and show some grace and mercy. Go Browns. Go Police. Black Lives Matter.

Is this a crime b/c the male is a black immigrant? If this was a white boy would we be so up in arms over activities like this that have happened since the dawn of time. Don’t we want our children to be reprimanded and punished by a system that wants to protect them over the Criminal Justice System? Sometimes we say

The issue is that when you are talking about “schools” you are really talking about the people in charge and the culture that pervades. Some cultures change and morph with handoffs in leadership / students and snowballs. I can imagine some “traditions” begun in the 50's morphed int what we are seeing today just b/c

My initial reaction is that if an internal response can be provided....b/c of the “relationships” and history b/n those involved, like at Penn State, the goal is to find grace filled help and support and ensure all parties are taken care of.

First, I don’t know any parent that would agree to these terms. Second, is he an immigrant? Third, sounds like “play” between experimenting youths, were they dating? Fourth, “she” agreed to the terms with a parent present? If no parent was present he should be locked up, deported or whatever and the school should be

I love it when pseudo-intellectuals bring out the “vulva” argument...when we all know that in common parlance we were taught and know that “men have a penis and women have a vagina.” Vagina as a term used to incorporate the meaning of the entirety of the female genitals. So, silly to make that an issue with regard to

What I don’t get is that he made her walk all that way...I mean he knew she was there, he has the force, go down and meet her dude...not like you have anything better to do on a planet all by yourself.

I think Batwoman was originally created as a love interest of Batman to squash rumors/innuendo of the dynamic duo being gay. How that evolved into Batwoman being a lesbian is beyond me.

I am not sure which one of us is the brainwashed one here. So, you want to argue pornography is good and right and should be championed?

I have to agree.

I just don’t get why so many are angry here? What is with this generation of “tolerant” liberals? What is not true about “all lives matter to the great?” Is that untrue?