Honestly, I just don’t know what to say.
Honestly, I just don’t know what to say.
I think when we read the OT Law and compare it to the grace ushered in by Jesus in the New Testament and how it has been applied in our daily lives, it is sobering to see the significance of SIN and how it seeps into all areas of life and why Jesus needed to die for us and the great gift his resurrection truly is!…
I appreciate the standards of consent...however, you will have a hard time changing thousands of years of non-verbal communication, hormones and alcohol.
I have already addressed these instances. It is not enough to use cultural Christians or cultists as examples of “Christians” terrorizing segments of society. Islam is dissimilar b/c a) it is the driving force in both a muslims religious and political life b) the Quran is the central text used for the basis of these…
I am unsure if the IRA can be used in these examples b/c their mission is political. If we compare them to say ISIS...ISIS is theocratic. For the IRA, politics guides their actions their faith is secondary. For ISIS, their faith is driving their political action.
I think it better for mature Christians to engage the culture by demolishing arguments for unbiblical teaching/morality opposed to fleeing from it. If the culture finds this book to be important, it is good for thoughtful and faithful believers to have a grasp on the books flaws and point out why God’s way is better.
I love the ignorance being perpetuated against Schilling in this instance. His Tweet was about “extremists”. It was not about Muslims. Not about mainline Islamic adherents or cultural Islam...it was about the 5%. The point of the tweet was simply: If 7% of Germans were Nazi’s and the holocaust, WWII etc. happened by…
I really appreciate you going back to my original post and recognizing some of its components and seeing that I do have a heart for the marginalized. This type of construction is pretty typical of many things I post for one reason only, that it creates discussion, dialogue and perhaps just a moment where the reader…
I think when you use examples like the above, what you are not doing is comparing apples to apples. You are comparing actions of men involved in what are typically regarded as cults or other than main-line Christian denominations who do not follow the established Creeds and strike out based on racial hate, fear of…
I think we have to draw a line in the sand b/n Christians, and the organizations/groups individuals associate. For instance the Black and Tans are a law enforcement group...again, I am not sure the Episcopalians or Baptists are sitting in church on Sunday or Wednesday scouring the scriptures and finding New Testament…
Do you remember who the crusaders were fighting?
And we wonder why Trump wants to secure the border and only allow the “good ones” while deporting the criminals and rapists who did not follow the “rules” for legal immigration...hmmm.
ISIS are Wahhabi adherents who call for a return to the original Islamic texts and are typically fundamentalist in nature.
Although I respect the Eric Rudolph example and understand that his affiliation was with what the government considers a Christian Identity extremist group, I think that is not an appropriate comparison to what we are discussing. This is really an offshoot of a cult that does not even utilize the “Bible” as it’s texts…
I would argue that Ideology is the sole driver for muslim extremist violence.
Does it? 5-10% of Muslims....or 20M using your numbers would be extremists...not 160M.
Give me an example of a Christian group blowing things up?
It is an interesting question on the surface, but what are we comparing? Christian fringe groups cause a lot of problems for their twisting of scripture, their possible political activism and their general public presence...but have they bombed trade centers, attacked army bases or used bombings as a general practice…
It seems like the point he is making is that muslim’s who are extremists statistically make up a percentage of that population that in Nazi Germany left unchecked cause untold amounts of pain, suffering and death. I think we see that being played out today in the Middle East and at home in instances like 9/11 and the…
There is a huge difference b/n an interview and a deposition.