
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

The amounts listed seem to be paltry compared to the amount of money he made if just a small portion of it was put in a bank in an interest baring account? Seems like he could write a few checks and he’s done?

I thought the NFL Rookie Symposium was supposed to address issues like this, set these young men up with responsible money managers and financial planners etc..? How does this still happen?

To answer the question though, you cut the pre-season to 3 games. Game 1 can be the rookie showcase where rookies and young players can get a shot. Game 2 can be bubble players or guys the team feels need extra reps. Game 3 can be the starters tune-up and final look at guys on the bubble.

I am not sure starters need pre-season, possibly two games to get in the work and timing and in-game decision making practice.

I just wonder what went through their head when they were naming their daughter...”So, we could go with Sarah or for giggles go with one of the most popular male names of all time...ding ding ding..we have a winner.”

I think that is the wrong question to ask. These women grow up in this religion, it is their only point of reference. I am sure from the inside they see a lot of beauty in their way of life. From their point of view, our lives may look awfully licentious. That being said, with relation to their religion, that is the

Education in itself is a noble pursuit. A degree, depending on what it is for, simply certifies that a person has met all the requirements within the course of study to claim it. Knowledge and Wisdom however are not equal. One is the accumulation of information, the other how to apply it.

Regardless of certain POV’s, we can’t help but recognize the significant influence the Bush family had on King Abdullah and this landmark event. A prayerful and God fearing family, oh how the Lord changes hearts and moves freedom forward! Amen.

Food for thought...not really trolling. I think the term “trolling” gets thrown around too recklessly myself. It marginalizes a comment that has inherent if not concrete truths tied to it....or at least debatable talking points.

I just want to speak to your point b/c as a heterosexual married man, I can relate to what you are saying from this particular standpoint...we all have “desires” and “temptations” and even after taking vows, all people struggle with wanting something “different” from what they have. Once you find that partner though,

I am just going to say this point in time there would be nothing more exciting than a Mets / Blue Jays World Series.

All you have to do is pick a love, like everyone else....regardless if you”feel” like the pool you choose from may be bigger.

In some ways, yes.

I think Trans people do themselves a disservice associating with the LGB’s. In most cases, trans people have a plight most could by sympathetic if not empathetic to. It is the issue too that requires the most education and vocabulary to discuss intelligently.

At least the Yale shirts were creative. No, these signs should have been taken down immediately and the frat fined / put on probation or something. Just classless. I mean, for guys it’s kinda funny...but for everyone else just hostile and inappropriate.

America’s Team!

Not an issue, a little rest, some time to watch veteran hitters and their approach, time to reflect on playoffs he’ll be fine.

If you don’t walk away before you lose sensation in your fingers, what’s the point in walking away after? Time to suit it up for ESPN though, I think.

I hate Suggs. He has a very valid point though. On the flip side, it’s Pre Season...