
I think if you want to get married you have to structure your life in a way that men can a) find you approachable b) they can see how they fit in to your life and c) that they see you can be the mother of their children. No man cares about your career or whether or not you are a perfect 10...they are much more

It is very important for a father to support his wife and child by helping with household duties and child rearing activities. It is also important that they are fresh and ready to handle the responsibilities of his career. The couple needs to work together.

...and you clearly do not understand what that means.

The three QB’s I would love to see in their prime on a redo with teams with some offensive talent, a line to speak of and unaffected by personal demons would be: Jeff George, Tim Couch and Todd Marinovich.

If you were authoring a piece about Africa or the Middle East and used the term “rape culture” I would accept it without much thought, knowing a little about some of the practices that take place there. America does not have a “rape culture”, it is better termed a “licentious culture” and it is obvious from this piece

I assume the “man” makes less money then Griner...well played Gloria, well played.

I mean this is kinda funny....Griner, the man in the relationship, although unable to physically impregnate her wife, planned kids with her...and is now responsible for them. Yep, even lesbian men have be the ones footing the bill for the children. Wow.

I have never heard any guy say that they were worried about using a condom over fears of performance. This is coming out of left field to me. Sure, the “feel” part is a common complaint and unfortunately has merit. But, issues with erections....? The erection killer is the one-night stand, not the condom. A man can

I have said it for years, the Cunningham’s, Vick’s and III’s can be exciting but if you want to compete in the NFL you have to find the guy who stands in the pocket.

The trucking industry is built on the backs of men who like the open road. With no college degree required, most are not scholars and due to the quick training/working turnaround and the promise of steady paychecks the industry is a haven for guys looking for second chances. It is a breeding ground for ruff-necks and

What surprised my by that link was Randall Cunningham. I never had the impression that he was sacked much. He got beat up a few years apparently.

In my lifetime the three saddest examples of a QB being ruined because of an offensive line were Tim Couch, David Carr and Robert Griffin III.

There is a part of me that is extremely saddened by the train wreck that has become RGIII’s career.

I think due to the private nature of this matter the lack of media exposure on both the victim and accused should be the benchmark. As far as the investigation phase, if rape occurs women should follow 3 distinct processes. 1) They seek medical attention for a rape kit 2) They report the incident based on campus

I applaud these women. I am not sure what the future holds for our military and the roles women will play, especially in combat, but whatever happens this is a very impressive moment.

Yes, you are crazy. I too though agree that women should not serve in our military combat units...and specifically not the Rangers, Seals or Marines. They are elite for a reason...

At the 4:29 mark was that Elfrid Peyton playing too?

It seems justice has won the day.

I think it was just recently that studies showed boys flourish academically in all boys schools.

Wise advice from one of our cherished elders. She surely lived a thoughtful and thought provoking life. A request I intend to follow through on.