
Google was just confusing me with their method...

What's the job market for religious studies majors like?

To build a Christian army. :/

Regarding the hypocrisy of profiteering from abortions, what I really enjoyed this past year was the tap dancing they had to do to reconcile the involvement of Romney/Bain in Stericycle. So pathetic.

"along with instructions to set up morse on your mobile devices. "

Please try Gmail Attachments to Drive:

Yeah, some real troopers those striking employees are. :)

Android as a whole. ;)

This type of thinking is the basis for the current Republican party? Regarding the election, apparently they didn't get the memo: They lost because they're wrong.

"Sorry, Tyndale House ladies!"

Alcohol - specifically for a long car ride - so you can be served adequately. ;) Choose liquor over beer though so you're not making a stop every hour. :o

That's why you should walk out the back door walk around front and pound on the door and scream "law enforcement, open up."

No way, they did Californians again?! That shit is the worst!

Put succinctly: Some people just like to watch the world burn. ;)

It's the reaction you get from people who take you seriously. Getting people riled up and angry. If trolls are ignored, the disappear - that's why everyone says "don't feed the trolls." They just want attention in the form of acknowledgement and reaction.

Pure entertainment value.

What's the problem with Google Drive?

All I got to say is if you think MS Surface is a good idea - buy it. Just buy it already. What do you have to lose? Everybody says it's better, it's gotta be better, obviously! Whiz bang swoosh wow you're now living in the fancy 21st century with your hip post-pc world touchy whiz bang device. Just buy it

The real question is, why isn't this a web app instead of locked to any platform?

lol, amen. I was clicking through and then clicked back to make sure I was seeing that right.