Technically or morally?
Technically or morally?
"Different laws"? Arbitrary bullshit EULA clauses maybe, but not LAWS.
So if you kill somebody, it's like "welp, that was bad, time to move on to better times"?
Fast boot, integrated Skydrive, and... ???
Precisely, they're sexualizing them in their mind, however the photos are not necessary sexualized left alone by themselves. I'm getting the impression many seem to want to criminalize thought.
Define "sexualized."
Non-sense. If you want to be right, just proclaim you're right and everyone else is wrong and never change your mind. Trust me, I'm "right" about this. ;)
That it can't be done? Because it can and is done, by many people, despite wealth... So what was her point again? She had more money than she needed?
$7,800 for vanity hardly seems healthy. She seems rather spiteful also. But hey, let's all be BFFs guyz, teehee.
If you're moderating your own mind, who is?
We can't all share information because then we would all be equal and things don't work when we're all equal. Some greater authority must preside, but then again, no one will trust that authority.
These are not simple possession cases.
"After a series of convictions for possession of marijuana, Sinclair was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 1969 after giving two joints of marijuana to an undercover narcotics officer."
Are you truly aware of any cases where someone went to jail for more than 90 days for the possession of a joint?
Agreed, lying is great, helps escape reality. And you're right, the events in Germany and Iran were built on lies.
Modoru does what is most advantageous to survive. In his current environment, it is most advantageous to simply treat others as he wishes to be treated, with the understanding and trust that everyone else is taking that approach for the same reason (well, most of us).
Agreed, it's cool, I'm friends with liars and cheaters too and like to respect their wishes as a fellow liar and cheater.
Aw mah gawd, must be horrible, just plain horrible, the anguish, the suffering... Your own personal Hell, just for being an attractive female.
What I really want is the Home key to be the Home key and the End key to be the End key on Google+ stream. Right now, it scrolls the page to the top or bottom. Annoying as hell when trying to compose a message. Think Keyboard-Fu can help? I'd have no idea how to override that. :/