
I assume Hannah goes to Argentina. The leaked ending doesn't really match up with the spoilers I've read in the episodes leading up to the finale. Also, looking back at the pictures of Dex taking Deb to his boat in a gurney, something seems off about them. I'm not sure what, but I think they might of just been


Scott Buck would be perfect as a show runner of some series on NBC.


Would you like to know the alleged ending? Keep in mind, to my knowledge, a finale of Dexter hasn't been leaked before and one would think the series finale would be kept even more locked up. This leak, while plausible, seems too…..I don't know…..too not completely shitty than these writers are capable of. Read on

Dexter has gotten to the point where I hope that it is revealed that his dark passenger is just an ancient demigod possessing him.

Sorry for posting the same thing twice, Disqus was messing up

There was more plot development in the final scene of Breaking Bad then there has been all season in Dexter.