Eagle is the 2nd CBS play-by-play guy, and for my money, the best NBA announcer this side of Mike Breen.
Calling Ditka a clown is both a compliment to what he actually is and an insult to clowns around the world.
I would tune in to hear Ian Darke call Monday Night Football
Sort of, but the few objective metrics that exist tend to support the claim that he is good. Read the Grantland piece (he says less, makes fewer mistakes, etc.).
Magna cum laude....
Ditka has an M.B.A from Clown College of Bristol.
I like Collinsworth a lot. He sees the game better than 99% of all color guys. He may annoy people, but I actually learn something from him. The only think I learned from Troy Aikman is that concussions have a lasting effect.
nah not just you he’s fucking terrible at nba calls. always sounds like he’s trying to find a real emotion underneath his sportscaster skin
I know Grantland is a dubious source around here for some, but this is telling:
Collinsworth is great, dude. The fuck r u talking about? His analysis is thoughtful, correct and insightful? What more do you want?
Big news, and I hope he does well at NBC. I can see him on the Sunday Night Football Night in America pre-show, and maybe even a studio postgame in lieu of shitty local news.
If we’re lucky, Jon Gruden won’t get a companion... he, too, will disappear and I can watch one game a week without hearing anyone talk.
Almost exactly a year to the day after Patriots equipment personnel “likely” intentionally deflated footballs to make them easier for Tom Brady to grip
But no matter how hard they tried, and how many tables they broke, the boys could not muster up enough demand for wood to reopen the old mill.