
Now if there was only a device designed specifically for this type of event.

Traffic was already brought to a halt, the car was probably honking at them to move, they wouldn't, they probably tried faking running the protestors ever to scare them to move, instead the protestors jumped on the car and then the car got surrounded, the driver freaked out and drove forward, and then more protestors

Now playing

I'd love to see this kind of response in these situations.

Seriously what a bunch of fuckheads. We should make it so that cops are well within their rights to drop these guys one by one with squad cars. I loled when the one dude wrecked. I hope he has back pain for the rest of his life.

This is a time when cops should be allow to use their push bars. Hope they catch these ass hats.

At least one did.

Following his victory in court, the plaintiff walked proudly out of the courthouse. And thus the MacPherson strut was born.

No car is "BEST" in this segment. They all have their good and bad qualities. Let's just leave it like that

I was hoping for quite a bit more in-depth satire than this, Okulski.

I see nothing here but a sick twisted man who's decided to go after sick twisted media. I really couldn't care less what happens next

Sorry Kat, you're dead wrong.

"This is *wrong*"

Not the furthest, fastest or through the worst conditions anyone's ever raced to get away from the Kardashian women. Although, I think they turned him into a female before he could get out.

Sorry, but the embedded clips from Mail Online don't work. They never worked with me.

I bet you're a lot younger than me ( 37 ) but back in the 80's Phil Collins had some good stuff. That and some of the music videos were pretty good too.

Buick Regal

It's a medical term. Get over it.

That is the exact quote that was in the news story which took an exact quote from a medical diagnosis.