I agree, an endless mode would be a nice addition. They did a good job on the controls though. Good twist to a classic game.
I agree, an endless mode would be a nice addition. They did a good job on the controls though. Good twist to a classic game.
That's not 100% true. I know where all the folders are that I'm using within my libraries. But it's easier to have them all in one place rather than having to navigate to them myself. For example, even if all the programs are in the "program files" folder, some of the folders I access often are within a few more…
If you play starcraft 2, the pause/break key is used to.....wait for it.....pause the game.
Oh well, at least we can sit back and laugh at all the money they have to shell out for games we get for free. I wonder if they will ever get smart and give the iphones more than one button. That single button thing is the worst design flaw I have ever seen in a product.
This is my current background. I'm using software to span it across two monitors.
They actually were handing out free samples at our Kroger store. Not sure how long that display was out though, as I don't go there every day.
You didn't miss much. I'm not saying they tasted bad, but it was just a weird flavor for a chip to have. I didn't try the other two though, so I can't compare.
Are Distortion and Typhoon real mountain dew flavors? I've had the white out and loved it, but don't recall those two.
He didn't explode from the high blood pressure pills, superman cut him in half with his heat vision.
I can type at around 60-70 WPM and I can't play this game either. Yeah, the whole spinning things isn't very easy on the eyes.
When you try to bring a lawsuit up against such a big company, you really need to get as much evidence on your side as you can. Maybe it took him this long to build the evidence up to the point where him and his lawyers thought they could win. If you tried to do this with a very small amount of evidence, EA lawyers…
Everything looks good to me except that wall mechanic. It just looks out of place in a 3D game.
That was one nice thing about playing disgaea on the PSP instead of the PSX. They gave you the option to hide the spell animations for you and the enemies. This made grinding levels sooooo much faster. Getting to level 9999 on the psx took ages, but on the PSP it was cake.
Yeah, I figure they are all beatable if you get the luckiest random pieces on the planet, but it just isn't happening for me. But even though my wife has long since passed me, I know she has paid upwards of $8 on power-ups (and I've beaten a couple for her too), so I can still laugh knowing she never would have…
They may be optional, but some levels are very difficult to beat without any power-ups. I've been stuck on 65 for over a week because the level is just stupid hard to beat.
How much time would it take to get the resources to do such a project? I've never played the game, so I'm just curious how much of an undertaking it would be. Even in a free-for-all type environment where you didn't have to work for each material this project would take a ton of time, so I'm guessing this took quite…
The picture has the artists signature in it, that's good enough for me.
I have a USB floppy drive, does that count? A can't remember why I bought it, but at least once now I've used it to retrieve old files for a friend, who realized the only copy they had of something was still on a floppy disk. I was a hero that day.
You have to say "Uno" first. If somebody else says it before you do.....something happens (I don't remember what, as it's been decades since I've actually played it....but I'm almost certain it involves you having to draw X cards.
I messed up my calculation. I thought the number I was looking at was for my whole account, that was just one character. When I added up all my characters (14 ish?) it ended up being 111,538 gold between them all. Which as you may note, is still nowhere near 1 million, lol.