
Wish I could say the same thing. I wasted 6000+ hours of my life playing that soul sucking game.

I take that back. That was only for my main character. My total gold between 14 characters is 111,538

To put it into perspective, for those of you who don't play WoW, I played the game for a decent amount of time, and I only have accumulated 43,548 gold total according to the achievements section. I haven't really played any of the newest expansion, so I don't know what the prices are on stuff, but even just a

I couldn't imagine losing that much gold or even having that much gold. According to the game I've only acquired 43k worth of gold since I've been playing, and I've put in 6000+ hours.

I sent you a friend request. Name is the same as on here, but with "78" at the end.

Want to start a region? I don't have a ton of time to play it, but I too have no origin friends. I have plenty on steam though...heh.

Yeah, that's exactly what I thought when I read their statement. "I think you mean, getting your money is our absolute highest priority."

Poor DJ, he is always getting the short stick. The next time I go through the series I'm going to record how many times he dies, because he dies so many times it could almost be a drinking game.....although Jack dies a lot too, but mostly just that once episode where he get's killed over and over, then brought back

And which 400 schools would that be? I can probably just assume my school isn't on the list, but it would be nice to know

Yeah, that airport level is where I got all my massive high scores. I played the crap out of that game. Good times.

Exterminate would get a very high score too.

I hate it when they use the brackets, but don't put the brackets on a new line. It makes my head hurt. But to each their own!

I can kinda relate to this story. Awhile back I bought a 400GB HDD from Best Buy that turned out to be a rock.

She could marry the guy who just got dumped because of his excessive second life playing a couple stories down. It's a match made in heaven!

I was about to reply the same thing. When I graduated from High School I was 5'6" and 119 pounds. I was as skinny as a rail too.

I'm feeling too lazy to take a screenshot right now, but here is my top ones:

I did not know this, so yes. Common knowledge is only unique to each individual. There are probably some common things I know that you don't know too.

Can you tell it's been awhile since I've had it? Lol. Thanks for the correction, I thought I was right so I didn't do a fact

Motorola EnV, mainly because the physical keyboard was very well made and the keys were spaced just far enough apart that it made texting very easy. My first smart phone was the original Droid, and I was much disappointed by it's piss poor keyboard. RIP my EnV.

For anybody out there who cares, this site can test your computer specs to see what games it can and cannot run. It's handy: