
Can we please put all the patent lawyers on a boat near North Korea so Kim Jong-un has some target practice? This crap is getting really annoying.

It's good, but it's not $9,000,000 good.

I'd love the ability to be able to even make stuff half that good. I can't even make good looking stick figures.

Don't bother, he's a jackass.

They are pretty handy. I've had one for over a year now.

Oceans 11 used the EMP. <3 that series of movies.

I never have understood why they put country restrictions on stuff like this.

That's all good and safe, until you stop at a random island to have lunch with your little daughter.....

Can't we just let the morons who don't look both ways before crossing the street get hit by cars? Also, it only really helps if you are crossing a one way street and the back of the phone is facing the direction the cars are coming from.....

I just wish I could forget the ending somehow, because knowing what happens in the last few episodes makes me not like the final season at all. It was really good the first time through though. I need one of the memory zappers from the MIB movies.

Thanks Gizmodo, I hadn't watched my Alias DVD's in over a year. Time to get out my collection and watch me some Alias.

I say we test this theory, in the name of science. Somebody give me a few million dollars and I'll happily write up reports about how I felt before and after my financial windfall. We really need to get some stats on this ASAP.

This is a really touching story. My wife used to be diabetic before she got bariatric surgery and while she never passed out, she did have a few times where she needed to get some sugar in her very fast because she had forgotten to take one of her pills. You have to be super careful when you are diabetic, and you

Yes, it's even shown on the lead picture. It just reads the "tip".

I watched Avatar, The Dark Knight, Transformers, Star Trek, The Incredible Hulk and Pirates of the Caribbean at the movies. I own The Dark Knight, Transformers and The Hangover on DVD. I have downloaded copies Avatar, Inception, Star Trek, Kick-Ass and The Departed. I think the movie companies got their fair share

Even if the whistle falls off, you can still wear it as a necklace Liz Lemon style.

Nope, unfortunately it was unsweetened tea. Those monsters.

I only have to drive my wife about two miles to work, but those two miles can be a huge pain in the arse when there is a lot of snow.