
You only have 400GB of porn?

Lots of snow in Ohio isn't really a new thing. I *just* signed up for 2 classes on campus for January too, maybe I should switch them to online, heh.

"Calls from tiny cafes in Pairs."

I don't think having a hot model in lingerie laying in my lawn will help prepare it for old man winter, but I'm willing to try....for science!

I graduated Highschool in 1997, so in 1998 I was going to and failing out of a community college at the time (I'm currently going back to college right now and getting all A's). Rather than going to class, I started going over to my friends house who lived a few miles from the college. We would play games on the

You can't really argue with results. That was a damn effective way to stop that fight. It's better than the cop waiving his gun around or beating him with his night stick.

Your boss sure does talk funny.

I think the rule is to not save the pictures on your phone. If you are going to take naughty pictures, at least keep them saved on your home computer, not your mobile phone.

Who actually thinks replacing the old towers is a good idea? Yes, this one will be built stronger and won't be as easy to fall, but it seems like we're just putting another target out there asking for the terrorists to crash into it again. You couldn't pay me enough money to work in that building once it's finished.

yeah, episode #4 "Shindig"

If they have the ability to view the article as one page, the option to show it as 22 pages should never have even been an option. I can't think of any situation where I'd rather have 22 pages instead of just one, even if I was viewing the article on my smart phone.

I'm sorry, but it's unreasonable for me to have to click 22 times to get to the end of a story online, that can easily be 1 long page.

I found this gem when doing a research paper for the world trade center attacks. 22-page paper. Yeah, there is an option to convert it into one page, but daaaamn

Has anybody gone to the ear, nose and throat doctor and had your ears cleaned out before? They use this little vacuum and stick it in your ear to suck out all the ear wax. He used that thing on me for what seemed like was there a lot of wax in there. The thing is loud too, since it's in your

I really don't like my tablets having big Ass-Harddrives though.

My mind must have been in the gutter, because I initially read that as S&M turret. I was trying to figure out what it would be firing.....

I'd say about the same time they started having State Lotto's.

I just wrote a research paper on the 9/11 attacks for my college history class. This would have been handy information to have at the time. Could have added another page to my paper!

Idiocracy, here we come.

My networking professor used a laser pointer with his Powerpoint presentation to point out certain things he was talking about at the time. The only thing I've ever used one for was to annoy my cat. One of these would be fun, I should get one for my parents cats, muh ha ha. []