You accidentally raped the English language there too. *high five*
I believe it was Tom Green
I was trying to use another word, but couldn't come up with anything. I was trying to say that good tasting fries didn't need ketchup, but I didn't want to say "good fries are good enough.....". So yeah, I fail at using adjectives.
Real fries are good enough that you don't need ketchup (Rally's, McDonalds, Arby's, Long John Silver)
@gthing: A tithe is also usually voluntary.
@lostarchitect: Just use the site like the rest of us who hate the new design.
Our son's school sends out a phone call to the parents if the child is not at school that day, unless they called in their child as being sick or what not. Funny story though, because one day, a glitch in their system caused that phone call to go out for every student, regardless of whether or not they were at school…
To this day I won't play that game on my DS. I got pretty far into the game, but the controls are so horrible that I just can't get myself to play it any further.
I like my DS, but some games are very hard to play with how they incorporated the stylus. Take starfox for example. You had to steer your ship with the stylus. To this day I can't beat that game because I just can't control my ship very well with a stylus. Games like Kirby on the other hand are fun, because you…
They really need a video example for this article, because some of their descriptions are too vague, which makes it hard to figure out exactly how to do said trick.
I just hope this video wasn't leaked like the NBC one about the internet. Steve jobs is pretty powerful, he could very well shut down the entire internet to make sure nobody sees this video of him being nervous about being on TV. [runs and hides]
@iconeater: Why are these cute things endangered, yet the hairless cat monstrosity that my wife wants is not? *grumble*
We haven't gotten any snow from this system yet here in Columbus, Ohio, but we are expecting to get a quarter of an inch of ice. The roads aren't bad, but sidewalks, driveways and parking lots are pretty much ice skating rinks right now. Just thought I'd put that out there in case anybody was in my area.
We had an old gas oven in our basement that never got used at our old house. The upstairs oven was on the fritz and my parents were gone one day, and I wanted to make something for supper. At the time, I didn't know that it was a gas oven, so I pre-heated it and stuck my food in. After 40 minute or so, I couldn't…
I only own two pairs of jeans, and I don't really keep track of when I wash them. If I had to guess I'd say I wear them a month or so at a time. *shrugs*
Both of my credit cards added up to 70 like the example card did. I just thought it was odd. I made a quick spreadsheet so you could test a credit card number quickly too <3
@king_saberhawk: Season 4, episode 16 "Three Hundred Big Boys" Bah. Refresh fail. Somebody beat me too it -_-
@daftrok: The entire thing is sarcasm man, just roll with it. I only have like $10 in my bank account, so I'd probably put more money in melting the pennies down then I'd get back. That's why step one was important.