
My new To-Do list;

There should be a follow-up to this story, that actually tells us how to accomplish such a feat. I'm sure there are many struggling amateur photographers that have trouble taking pictures like this. I tried to take a picture of our Christmas lights in 2009 and I had a similar issue.

@ps61318: Those three dots in the logo remind me of the three dots from the Sara Conner Chronicles.

@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: My dad is a carpenter. I did my science fair project on fiber optics back in middle school. He built this huge display case of the united states, and ran fiber optic cable to major cities on the map. Then I could take a color wheel and shine it on one end, to show how light

@pliSkiNAKE: I only use quotes for exact quotes or if I want to search for more than one key word.

@C3PA: Not only was she in a spaceship, she was a cyborg too.

@samwize11: The reason it was wrong is because he's only 13, I get that. What she did was wrong, and she shouldn't have done it. I was just trying to talk about something semi related to the story. I was in no way saying it was normal or that it wasn't a big deal. Maybe I should have worded what I said a little

My wife is 16 years older than I am, but I suppose it's a tad different since we knew that ahead of time and didn't meet over false pretenses over Xbox live.

@Rosa Golijan: See, we did this all wrong. We should have thrown a party at Rosa's house. Oh the good times we could have had.... *cheers*

My question is, how the hell is BP still in business? I still go by a BP every day and people are still buying their gas. Can't all the BP users just pick another gas station and run the company into the ground? Or is it more complicated than that? I don't think a company like that deserves to stay in business.

@CommodoreRake: I'd rather get rid of them entirely and not have to even think about them. They have it set up so you can block articles that you don't want, I'm just looking for somebody to point me in the right direction.

I haven't ever had to use it on this site, but others may find the answer useful: How can I make it so none of the #3D articles appear on Gizmodo? I have a lazy eye and cannot see anything involving both eyes, like those annoying magic eye posters. I love you Giz, but this whole fascination with #3D the past few

@OniCr0w: Snake? Snake?????? Snaaaaaaaaaake!

@Thesandlord: I'm a programmer, but the first thing I thought of was that it was an NPC with a quest. Yeah, I play WoW too much, I'll be the first to admit it.

@zer0sh1k1: I was being sarcastic more than anything. But that was one of the most painful videos I've ever watched.

@balloondoggle: I watched the entire thing, because that's how much I love Jessica Alba. I'm not sure I like her anymore -_-

@Sergio526: We all do it from time to time, I had to point it out because it was just too funny to pass up. :-)

@Sergio526: "Spell check has made me a better speller while allowing me to producer higher quality work."