Joe Patrice

I’ve always maintained that the best thing about Phantom Menace was inspiring the Mr. Plinkett Phantom Menace review. And that’s meant only partially snarky — the YouTube reviewing community still displays the influence of the Red Letter Media magnum opus. I’ve heard “what is wrong with your FACE” in the Plinkett

This captures why this show is so frustrating. The books are about the value of a speedrun through historical materialism as a society could thrive by contriving a religious/feudal stage, a mercantile stage, etc. The show, meanwhile, is the same character names doing... not any of that. The theme is supposed to be

It's OK, they were planning the end times anyway.

That's not entirely accurate. The school suspended them from all team activities while the investigation proceeded — which seems proper. When the DA finished the investigation and dropped the case, the school still kicked them off the team. The controversy was that the school didn't EXPEL them until June. But the