Mr Multiverse

By obvious truth you mean that Tom Brady is obviously the greatest QB of all-time right?

Appeared to be coated in a tacky substance and seemed spongy or soft when squeezed.

Totally. And he’s been far more fun to watch. It seems like he’s really playing a team game this year, and that’s rewarding everyone.

did I really pause an episode of Beachcombers for this?

“We knew that Halifax was gonna get blown out. We got that message loud and clear with a few hours to spare. So we decided not to show up at all. Thank fuck.”

And don’t forget!

One of my favourite movie jokes is from Shaun of the Dead where Frost describes the events of the entire film to Pegg as a plan for a night out after he is dumped by his girlfriend.

Ah, Guard Break. I had actually forgotten about it, since it’s been months since I’ve played. I probably had a problem with that one too.

Thanks for that.

The fact that he did it while mountain biking and slamming a Mountain Dew, though, THAT was extreme!

NHL playoffs are incredibly enticing. Anyone who thinks differently is a heathen and deserves to be cast from society.

In an ironic twist, the pick was not able to receive the text message informing him of the decision

shes right, if you eat razors you could get sick, you know

Um, no. Bob Kraft is not involved in any way with Kraft Foods. His company is the Kraft Group, which has nothing to do with food - it's all manufacturing, private equity, and real estate. Two completely separate and unrelated businesses.

Ok, you should get off your high horse. First off, when I said justify I meant people who have excess money, money they can do anything they want with, will finally be justified for doing so as this game has pretty constant and excessive load times and this type of upgrade will help them. Time saved means more to

My idea: after the two point conversion, a team can kick a 60-yard PAT for another two points, but it's double or nothing. Make it? You get your 10 points. Miss? Back down to six.

War on Ice just added an enhanced standings page to their site: On the far right of the table they have the standings if there were no shootouts, if there was a 3-2-1 point system and if there were no points given for losses.

Windows 8 posts faster game benchmarks than 7 (say what you will about the interface, it's a more efficient operating system than 7), and the low-level DirectX 12 API (which should provide a pretty nifty speed boost) will be exclusive to Windows 10 due to the changes to the driver model required to enable that sort of