Mr Multiverse

Goddamn game changer. Thanks!

Ya fine, but isn’t this off-sides Kev?

This would be so much cooler if you could actually, ya know, see Stamkos coming up out of the zone before the pass. He just magically appears from nothing to collect the puck, and I recall from Harry Potter that you're not supposed to do that in magical sports either.

I don't know about you but Potato Marshal is pretty fuckin Nito.

Yes money are a valid concern and one to look into, but after you make a small patch of two lanes you can built bigger, but still you can't do some essential things like a big roundabout which saves you from the trouble of doing a lot of changes, how entering the city is handled later later on. Still I found that

I've been an Android user for four years now, and I've never seen an option (unless it's in a third-party app) to automatically connect to public wi-fi. But you're absolutely correct—such an option would be a terrible practice.

Someone doesn't know that XBLA had a huge role in launching the indie game scene or that ID@Xbox is currently partnering with a metric fuckton of indies for X1 titles.

Your loss.

Soundtrack sounds like Daft Punk. The trailer has me...intrigued.

Have you played Elite? It's anything but a 'crappy exclusive'. It may not be your cup of tea but it's fantastic.

lol. good one. :)

So because they haven't released a Half-Life game since 2007 they're not a game developer anymore? Despite the fact they released a game pretty much every year since? And continue to update and maintain not just one but several popular multiplayer games (Dota2, TF2, CS:Go). Sure they're not as prolific as a lot of


This one also works with the Nest Thermostat, which is cool... When you're on the way home, Automatic can notify the Nest, which will turn off "Auto Away" and start heating or cooling the house.

This one also works with the Nest Thermostat, which is cool... When you're on the way home, Automatic can notify the

I tried a cheap Bluetooth dongles. The main problem is that most of the apps you can find are poorly designed and messy. They're fine if all you care about is the engine data. But the Automatic app also maps your drives (using the phone's GPS), shows you mileage, fuel costs, and, er, your bad habits (heavy

I tried a cheap Bluetooth dongles. The main problem is that most of the apps you can find are poorly designed and

Can't tell you why but I can tell you it's not specific to OBDII dongles: the Contour helmet cameras have bluetooth and work with Android phones but (get this) require a separate module to work with iPhones. It's an Apple quirk.

Can't tell you why but I can tell you it's not specific to OBDII dongles: the Contour helmet cameras have bluetooth

It works with the iPhone, for one. Bluetooth adapters don't, as far as I understand. I think the biggest benefit though is the free emergency services contact service, if it detects that you were in an accident.

It works with the iPhone, for one. Bluetooth adapters don't, as far as I understand. I think the biggest benefit

I'm going to date myself with this but is dope wars anything like drug wars on TI calculators?

Get outta here grandpa. Bluetooth rocks.

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