Mr Multiverse

Dude, if you want F-Zero, go ask for F-Zero. Don't go to a post about a spiritual successor to Wipeout and demand that it be just like F-Zero.

If you had watched the video, you would have seen that there are indeed items, and the gameplay did look a bit floaty.

I'm still awaiting a remake of this amazing game... Can we change those F1 style hover vehicles and just turn them into future cycles?

Not gonna lie, from the headline I thought there was a Wii U system bundle for $99.

If anything, I love SOM because it's the first LOTR game I've played that's bold enough to not give a shit about what it "should" do!

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

And yet millions of people sit on their couches and watch sports. They're not physically active doing that, and they don't find it boring.

For the same reason people don't get bored watching sports that are played on the same field or court. It's not what makes the game exciting.

its because they waited until they actually played the game it was meant to be played before rushing a review out lol

Holy crap. This is an amazingly in depth review of the game compared to some of the other reviews of destiny I have seen.

I realize this occurred in Arizona, but can we please correctly refer to any contests involving fan violence as "49ers games" from now on?

iiiiiif you're gonna use quotes, also use Copy and Paste. Way easier than typing out the wrong thing and being embarrassed on the internet.

Can we assume that "take out Chinese food" is the Doctor's equivalent of the Oceans 11 "stare at the Bellagio fountains" post-heist reward.

Nope, because you have the option of not reading them. Simple as that. Many people are saying that the game has problems but that they also can't stop playing it. Do you realize how trivial it is to complain about this?

The existence of criminals is not a reason not to move forward.

No we are fine flooding everyone's feeds and websites with a bloody MMO that is actually a ton of fun even if it is flawed. Sorry you don't like what we like though.

Yeah, but how far can he punt a football?

I'm an idiot, I didn't even see the input code, I was too excited. Thanks for the correct code though!

He is right on both counts, we've fixed the codes, thanks for the heads up.

The game has been out for 9 days. The complaining is insane. I DON'T HAVE LEGENDARIES YET AND IT'S BEEN 9 DAYS OF ME PLAYING TOO MUCH BECAUSE I HAVE NO REAL RESPONSIBLITIES. Boycott Bungie!!!!

Don't know why people are complaining. The game hasn't been out long and if everyone could easily get legendary items within a week or two of playing what fun would it be.