Mr Multiverse

This was...

Agreed. That Dedede player was crap. He just kept dancing back and forth, or standing around waiting for the Villager to attack him. There's playing cautiously, but this guy barely even tried to attack him.

If you're keeping score at home, there are two Trojans that could have prevented this.

I have to disagree 100% with this. Halo does not need layouts. Halo is Halo when everyone has the exact same character and same starting weapons, with weapons on the map to pick up. Halo does not need to try to be Call of Duty.

they do in my country.

12's banter with Clara is a fabulous thing to behold. It's gelling much better with them than it was with her and 11 (although 11 played really well against Amy, so I guess it all works out). EG:

"She's my, not companion, assistant?"
"Yes, she's my carer. She cares so I don't have to."

or The Transporter, which then also connects Collateral

This has to drive Jenn Sterger crazy knowing that she had evidence of a pro athlete's tiny tip and just gave it away.

Everything I've read suggests that his cranky old man schtick is an act he puts on in public.

How is this drivel not in the gray? And why call out people who like to watch their foot in an article about Roger Goodell? If people aren't supposed to watch their foot, then what the fuck am I supposed to do with my Tuesday afternoons?

One owner told Peter King that Goodell has been great for the game of football.

I did, but then again, I'm a Giants fan, so it's a win-win.

Hmmm...Mara, Rooney...

Redundant implies the others have no practical use than do the same thing as the first one, without added effect. While I would have also liked a 2nd speaker, the cameras are far from redundant. You'd know that if you read the post.

Papa, Lima, Uniform, Sierra, Oscar, November, Echo

GOODELL: "I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue."

could be a Z95 headhunter?

16. How far can anyone acting as an agent of or at the direction of the NFL or the Baltimore Ravens punt a football?

If you can translate Berman's boozy drivel into English, please take a shot.

Even I think there've been too many kicking stories today.