Mr Multiverse

For rendering, sure, but the logic bottleneck was always CPU, especially in simulation-type games.

When it comes to food, Calories are what’s on the nutrition label, not calories. As in, the number everyone uses and the number everyone reads is the big calorie, not the small calorie, thus the accepted common reference is the big calorie, not the small calorie.

Stripes were on the wings, AFAIR (and they were Interceptors anyways), but this could be designation of a Captain/Commander’s personal unit?

My thermostat and 2 Protects question what the fuck it is you’re smoking, and can we have some too?

They also said there’s no limitation besides the dev/pub allowing it.

It is when the biggest group of potential XB1 holdouts are people who have 360’s and a raft of games, but no reason to upgrade.

What I’ve heard is 24 players, up to 8 players per team, and its something like (red v blue v green v yellow) v covenant

Nah, there’s gonna be a buddy-cop spinoff: Big Rex & Lil’ Raptor

IMAX sales made up $44.1M of the $511M worldwide gross.

FIFA, oddly enough...

Destiny is a planned trilogy over the 10 years...

About tree fiddy?

Derp. Good point, I was wrong on that.

I know you’re joking, but this sounds like it’d be a case where the production crew actually made the choice to be on board, instead of likely being assigned as they would be in BBC. So, potentially less opportunities to meltdown.

Uh, no, the standard in court of law is “beyond reasonable doubt,” which is absolutely not the case here.

Its more about the fact that all this came down based on a document built around the phrase “more probable than not” and no actual evidence of anything done (beyond circumstantial).

I think they’re trying to say the fact that a game was played where the officials were tipped off that Pats may be using deflated balls, yet they didn’t check, and then raised hell afterwards, is the bad part.

Likely fines, if anything.

This is true, but wasn’t there mention of at least one ball being at 16 PSI during a Jets game?

Yeah, except the folks who are getting softbanned for using a graphics mod are now also being lumped with the folks who flight hack and ruin the game.