Noah Porter

Yes, it’s too risky. Listen to your brother in law...............

I got an email from Google last night stating that they were rolling this app out and that Android Pay would eventually replace it when it was ready. (or something to that effect)

even more reason to do it!

what’s consider professional on Jalopnik?

maybe it’s because you spend more time within this subkinja but I feel like it’s been months since I saw one of her write-ups on the main site.

i started a similar trend on my 30th (that year at least) and went sky-diving.

pure poetry

I think he’s saying that everyone is to blame; not just the motorcyclists

The new Knight Rider from ‘08 was actually one of the first shows my wife and I could watch together. It actually got better as the show went on for a Knight Rider show. Terrible but better than reality tv show or soap operas.

when you say leasing do you mean paying in installments? when i think of leasing something I think of paying for an object that i’ll eventually give back.

isn’t that just a carbon fiber wrap??

the only difference i’m seeing lately is less car reviews which I think has to due with more stagnation in the industry and less with Jalopnik’s articles.

maybe but it might be too late at this point

i upgraded my personal surface pro 3 and so far so good. I also use non-conventional programs that i expected to break but didn’t like: a beta version of VLC, a PSX emulator and Steam. I had to let Steam update itself a couple of times but my games finally worked.

Track Time 4 Cars has some dates available in early Sept. and at Pocono in Sept.

interesting; i never used it on my ‘13 motox

well it looks like they chose all of the major cities in the US. There are over 40 cities in total from Riverside (not even sure what state that is) to NYC and LA.

have you read Doug’s articles before o_O ?

Maybe the lack of FI 6 cylinders and dual clutch are both related to cost and reliability. The Japanese manufacturers have been pretty conservative in what they offer in the last few years since the strong Yen has been hurting them. My guess is that they are more worried about maintaining an image of reliability and

I read Asphalt and Rubber for my motorcycle race news and occasional industry article but nothing like what Ride Apart was when it was Hell for Leather.