Noah Porter

If I ever disappear under mysterious pretenses, DO NOT send this mofos looking for me!

when will the next go pro get announced??

that's jinxy not pete

yes fucking this! it's the most obvious and easiest solution instead of getting her grandfather and brother potentially harmed.

It's cool but there's no variety, it's the same thing year after year so now as an adult it's no longer exciting. Now it's just loud and results in my neighbors setting off their own fireworks from July 4th to October whenever.

well if i'm comparing to something that is supposed to be a spectacle then I guess a good summer action movie in IMAX.

I must be a weirdo because I never got excited about fireworks. What's the big draw? Fire and noise?

It works with gReader just like before so I couldn't be happier!

I thought he was referring to a CIA spook or agent

Aw man, no android love :-(

I see what you're saying but ulcers isn't HIV. Antacids have been cheap and are relatively easy to come by and have been so for years but treatments for more serious diseases aren't, and probably never will, get to that point.

I use a similar app called JEFIT. It also has animations so you can see the proper way to do some of the exercises.

My girlfriend of 6 years broke up with me and my normal level of sadness cracked into depression that was almost crippling. It motivated me to really change how I handled things in my life and do something different.

Nope make it 3! I have a Galaxy Nexus and it won't work on that either.

true but I think that entire scenario was supposed to be from the the 70's not today. In America it would cost about the same if not alittle less than it does for you.

Thank you Mike!

technically the only thing that was confirmed is that you can't wipe out someone from the future by killing their ancestor; ala Back to the Future.

sign my ass up now.....right now cot damnit! I must do this before I die!!!!!! <crying cause it'll never happen>

how that car will look in about 5 years when the locals in my area get a hold of it.

Now after witnessing that awful scene (btw I feel for you and i'd probably need therapy after that), do you think that woman really shouldn't be punished at all? Not even a reckless endangerment charge?? I'm all about finding a middle ground for governments involvement in our lives but I also know that people will