Noah Porter

thanks for pointing that out! I was all set to buy the S110 but now i can get this one and use the savings on a GoPro

well see that's the thing, as Jeremy brought up, the Bill of Rights mention the "pursuit of happiness" and nothing gets in the way of my pursuit of happiness like seeing racially offensive shit on a license plate when I drive to work in the morning.

i've never seen it do that; what am i doing wrong?

Well that of course depends on what you have open in your 20 tabs and what type of hardware you are using?

wow, so eloquently put and totally understandable

Agreed, shoes do wear out and your knees and feet will tell you. But these shoes won't go to shit right after mile 310, they'll just start to degrade like all shoes do.

I have the Minimus Trails but I think it lacks the rock plate and I wouldn't suggest starting your minimal running in them unless your form is really good or unless you don't mind starting off with less miles than what you currently do.

true the web version is much better now

i tried that when using the Giz guide for switching to a SSD drive and had mixed results

if you have the time to get up to speed or have someone available to help explain it to you

Agreed! I'm all for it if it can use the GPS on my phone. I've been holding out on getting a bluetooth heart rate monitor and I'll keep holding out until the Android version is available.

I love the Sennheiser PX's; didn't realize they made a model with a mic and remote though. I do know that i've paid less than $40 for the mic-less ones before but it was a few years ago now.

Or maybe you are just replacing your boot drive

I highly recommend Github for Mac:

to be honest, neither do I or alot of people which is why there are GUI based apps that can do the command line stuff for you. I GitHub for Mac which is great for a beginner. There are similar programs for Windows as well but they were not as intuitive as GitHub for Mac. It IS one of those things that become easier

In order to watch this show, you have to turn your brain off or at the very least know that it's been created for common folk who don't know as much as you.

come one people! Jaden Smith is the WOOORST!

Hahaha this is what officially got me hooked on modern anime. A senior at my college took me under his wing and let me borrow this movie; I was hooked immediately. When Jubei goes on a killing spree at the end, my jaw hit the floor. I had never seen anything like it.

My mom is a teacher and the school she currently works at doesn't do direct deposit.

Agreed! Travis seriously needs to, at least, have a section in the review called "Dad Factor" or "What Mr. Okulski Thinks"