@jp.rider63: Nevermind. I just got to extensions. Hopefully desktop applications like iPhoto will be able to integrate wave features.
@jp.rider63: Nevermind. I just got to extensions. Hopefully desktop applications like iPhoto will be able to integrate wave features.
i like his dance...
@Bill Bird: Is lightbox trademarked? This is kind of confusing.
sounds like facebook kinda...
can he type or use a keyboard?
I'm thinking about getting a MBP for school in the fall, but I was worried about graphic tearing. Does anyone know if this issues have been fixed? Perhaps they will fix it with snow leopard...
@dagwud: Menubar is different for mac
@jp.rider63: I figured out how to solve this issue. In case anyone wants it for future reference, here is a link.
@zkam: The thing is Firefox creates a blank file as well (named the resulting file.ext). This messes things up and I end up with multiple empty files scattered around.
I feel like their main problem is online gaming. Most of my friends own Xbox so when my other friends buy a new system, they get an xbox because most of their friends are already on Xbox Live.
I've been trying to do Automatic Save Folder with an applescript, but I don't have a good method to detect when the download is complete (moving a downloading file butchers it). Does anyone have one to share?
@jp.rider63: Now that I think about it. Were gmail servers attacked by bots? That would explain the need for the CAPTCHA.
Around 7am i received a message something like 'Your activity is suspicious to automated spyware and adware.' It wouldn't let me log on, but I refreshed and it let me enter a random letters in an image to log in.
How does this compare to Understudy? [gizmodo.com]
lol now how long for imap?
windows hider pro? great for school
This should be built in
@Leo Babauta: How about support for addons like quicksilver. This would cover alot of these things.
quicksilver addon?
@I'm Waitin' for Dolemite: Night at the Roxbury?