Jozef Raczka

And let us not forget the Australian spin-off: Fack Off.

Nothing Came Out - Moldy Peaches
Noaccula - Waxahatchee
Rebel Without A Pause- Public Enemy
Waiting For The Great Leap Forwards - Billy Bragg
Halfway Home - TV On The Radio

I've seen them live, I can confirm in corporeal form, the sound is even sweeter.

Agent Derek Pickles.

Maybe it will be so bad it causes virgins to commit suicide.

Some have suggested that Much Ado may have been intended to be Love's Labours Won.

My thoughts exactly. Not your self-righteous sarcasm, just the love of Boogie Nights and SYnecdoche New York

It seems odd that out of all the cast of Big Lebowski, he'd be one of the first to go. Between him, Gandolfini and O'Toole, I'm losing all the actors in my perfect film cast.

Yeah but I know who dies in Blood Lines & Conflict so boom!

So are we all starting a petition, we give Larson, Banks and Oliver their own show? I think Nanjiani can round out the male leads and I'm open to options for the other females.

Also can we all agree, if Jonathan Banks puts up a board and is standing with an electric drill, we all know how it's going to go down.

Since the Hobbit are we officially approving the throwing in of 'The Desolation Of…'? Because I think we can get some good mileage out of it.

I dreamt of a world where man can reference Futurama and Arrested Development at the same time.