Or maybe they should think before they post.
Or maybe they should think before they post.
Pretty sure that’s what Sonic Mania is.
That’s not Crazy Taxi
Blizzard doesn’t make games - they make interactive narcotics
Was kind of hoping he really would have the balls. And it’s not like it would have destroyed his career anyway.
never forget
Oh my god, Card Wars Saga. This still might be one of my favorite videos ever, so much potential:
Get outta here with those remake screenshots. Woof.
Also worth noting:
Weird, twitter has always been known as a place of kindness and thoughtful insight.
Have fun making a monster, Internet.
In the time it took to type that, I’ve already killed your Ashka and stacked toxin plus venom on you. Enjoy your remaining five seconds on the field.
I had a game with 10 Samuros. With all the mirror images, it was a total of 30 Samuros fighting. I had never seen such a clusterfuck of what the hell is going on in a moba before, and it was pretty awesome.
We should do the same for this years presidential election and sit outside of voting booths and not vote since both Hillary and Trump are cheaters of all shorts.
The fun part is that this means even Vegeta kissed his wife.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
I both agree and disagree. Part of what I love about my favorite games is the sense of mystery and wonder that comes from peeling off the game’s layers. A second play-through will sometimes reveal new stuff that makes the game even better, but it also comes without quite the same sense of wonder.
I just cannot fathom the approval for Aiden, one of the worst-dressed video game characters of the decade.
Devil May Cry 3, if you manage to kill something like 100 enemies before the credits end, you get to see a bonus special ending to the story