
Like I said you can't judge a situation without knowing a full story. He could of been told that from the beginning that if he got his grades up he'd get what he wanted for christmas. For all he know he disregarded that thinking he'd still get his ps4 for doing nothing because his parents would cave. Considering his

I hope they didn't and stuck to their guns. That kid is what, 8-10 and he already had bad grades? I mean you pretty much have to do nothing to get bad grades at that age.

Wait now. Hold on. No. You have a soap box where you are allowed to present yourself however you want. Despite that medium you came across as rude and passive aggressive to everyone who read your article.

Yeah.. but sometimes people are just dicks and it has nothing to do with your weight. Thin and medium sized people have to deal with dicks pretty frequently too, so I don't think that one's size is necessarily at issue here. Maybe dude was just having a bad day (?). It's not an excuse to be rude, but everyone has

Did anyone else feel like perhaps the author read her own insecurities into the thoughts and reactions of her hostile seat mate? He could have really been annoyed that you were (a) late and (b) did not say excuse me. Sometimes people are very explicit with what they are angry about. Especially to strangers where

For fuck's sake just say "excuse me." I've dealt with similar on most flights. Be a human and you'll probably get the same in return. We almost all know that the airline seats are smaller and closer together. We almost all know that air travel sucks due to greed. What next you'll be pissed that the person ahead of you

I lost you after "I passive-aggressively jarred his foot".

Ha! Go take a flight - any flight - in Asia. Sounds like every flight I took in western china in the last decade. Your tolerances will change.

I think that you having a hangover on a semi-long flight is entirely your fault. You also handled the situation childishly, and, as you say, "I don't even know if [you being fatter than he was hoping for in a seatmate] what was bothering him." Now, you're probably right; he probably wasn't extremely pleased that you

As a fellow fat person, yeah it sucks. The whole ordeal sucks, and I have sympathy for that. However, it was 7 AM, so yeah people are probably grouchy. How the heck did this guy know you had a hangover, and really, what did it matter to him? Maybe HE had a hangover, too. You said you were late, right? How do you know

The problem here is not that you're fat. It's that you arrived late as hell and had this mindset: "My adrenaline went bonkers. Was someone being a dick to me? In person? At 7 am? In an enclosed space? For no reason? When I have a hangover? And we're about to be stuck next to each other for the next five hours?"

So many all caps, so many ellipses, so many asides in parentheses. I'm glad I wasn't in the seat next to you on this flight, you sound like a very angry person that is just mad at everyone because... (BECAUSE) you feel they are judging you, when actually its maybe because... (BECAUSE) you just give off an an angry

Here's What It's Like To Be Annoying On A Plane

Good job on being a passive agressive immature asshole for both of you. You deserved to sit next to eachother.

They both acted like children and the writer just assumed he was surly because of her weight.

I'll buy that "fat" people have it tough, but your story wasn't a representation of that. It was just you being angry in the morning and then assigning your anger to a target and reason in order to justify it.

I don't see why you couldn't say excuse me while you were putting something in the overhead bin. It sounds like you almost held up the plane, and then you brought a big carry-on onto the plane and the overhead bins were probably already packed. As someone who rarely brings anything on the plane that requires going in

Uh, I missed the part where this was about your weight? Didn't you charge on, anxious and frazzled, bump the guy, want him to move, not acknowledge with a polite "excuse me" or "oops, sorry," verbally confront him and instigate, and then kick his bag?

Controversial experience/opinion here! But I hate sitting next to ANYBODY big, whether it's because they are over weight, or because they are tall or just because they are one of those guys who has to take up more than their share because I end up squashed. I don't think the problem on planes is that people don't like

They should've named it after someone who died for our sins, came back to life, then ascended into the heavens, like E.T..