
I LOVE DBZ but this...sad attempt at easy humor. I'll pass.

i want

I miss the Tony Hawk games....

framerates will suffer

it definitely has more to do with the way he looks. Listen to it without watching the video, it's so much better

I banged a chick that looked creepily similar to this

Of course.

but no love for Advanced SystemCare!?

I think I had him as a teacher... Kalani Streicher?

SOOOOOO unrealistic

correction: I am, as you can see above, my post has 3 recommend. woop woop

You must live a sad, lonely life. Living without avocado sounds like a dull existence.

SUCH a GOOD book!

My favorite? Definitely the murr-murring of Kassadin around the 2:01 mark. What's yours?
