
Wow, are you having a bad day or something? 

I wouldn't say the nausea was a reaction to the film itself (i.e. the content), but rather a reaction to having spent a hundred minutes in the company of a work of art I personally found atrocious. I remember feeling something similar walking out from Avatar, though much less strongly.

So what did you tell them?

BELGIUUUM has freedom

Brussels is the world's most beautiful ugly city.

The dream is over

They could call it Hot Seapeople! Better yet, Hot Seam-

No time to talk.

Yeah, 'cause the complex character work of the Half-Life series has given us such unparalleled insight into Gordon Freeman's psyche and moral code.

"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

@avclub-61938d93498e7f0ed5e6527b1cee656a:disqus Not really. In the book, the army of the dead only helps Aragorn defeat the corsairs that Sauron's got in reserve. Then Aragorn and the Dunedain steal their ships and sail upstream to Minas Tirith. The battle is thus won through tactical savvy and sacrifice, not because

@avclub-560eb60373b30a42bb1d813a47ebae5b:disqus That's actually the established abbreviation.

You both missed by one season.

Jesse was a man who thought he was the bad guy, but he knew it couldn't last.

Season 4 was far from the best.


You're high!
You're drunk!


You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.