
Following Enlightened's cancellation she went back to sleep for another thousand years.

Are you just trying to sweep the Monty Python reviews under the rug?

They have an italian janitor for that, no?


Have you ever had a dream s that s that you um you had you'd you wu you could you do you wi you once you you could do so you you do you could you you wa you want them to do you so much you could do anything? 

"Are you men?"

It's not that he can't remember the person's name, it's that the name is Twitchen, and the man he's introducing him to has a massive twitch.

Weren't there two Monty Python episodes per week last year?

If you're referring to Pic in your second paragraph, he's actually not a member of Yoda's species, but a genetically modified Kowakian monkey-lizard!! And btw that is totally considered canon

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus They didn't wipe Artoo's memory.

I'm not really a fan of the ending. Granted, I was too exhausted to give it too much thought (my local arthouse theatre showed Fitzcarraldo and Solaris the same afternoon, so by the time I got to the ending, I'd been sitting there for over five hours), but it just felt like something from The Twilight Zone to me.

Is it just me, or is the Mont Saint-Michel poster for ths REALLY similar to the Criterion cover for The Thin Red Line?

KOTOR II is awesome with the restored content mod. You might also want to download the Nar Shaddaa skybox mod, which gives the greyest world some much-needed colour, and adds tons of athmosphere.

"Hello, fellow Road Crew Worker. Welcome to the Road Crew."

More like Varys, AMIRITE :Ö :Ö :Ö

A Song of Fire and Ice: A Throne of Games, the exciting new fantasy novel by Scott Tobias!


You're a LIAR!!

First they came with the Harlem Shake, and I didn't speak out, because I didn't mind the Harlem Shake…