
She specifically mentions “Jesus” thought--certainly that excludes a whole bunch of religions, right?

I absolutely loved, loved, loved this look. The whole thing. He KILLED.

Giftees pay taxes on gift amounts over 10K, according to my accountant on April 14.

I don’t know why you posted all of that to my comment, but I thought this was all a Russian op from the first time I heard about this story, because who else was going around reading random ass blog posts from 2006? I read that same Twitter thread this morning and it was very illuminating.

I know Big Pharma is a popular target, but new drugs aren’t going to develop themselves. And before people chime in with “well, most of the work is done in academia/government”, as someone who works in biomedical science on the governmental side, there is a lot of work and expense to take a scientific finding and make

I think you’re being hyperbolic. There are tons of people like Shkreli especially in the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not that he wants other people to suffer, it’s that he wants to get as rich as possible. And then he gloats online because he’s a troll and likes making people mad. I don’t think he’s any more evil

Articles like this take glee in the overly harsh prison sentence of someone they dislike. If you look at what he was actually put in jail for (in essence, gambling with other rich people’s money) it definitely is not deserving of 7 years.

Yeah, that seems so weird to me. I am a member of an educators’ sorority and we spend our time holding book giveaways and raising money for school supply drives.

The fact that crap like this continues to happen on a regular basis just proves that you don’t need to be smart to get into college.

Why are frats like this? Just wondering. Why does it always come down to either some racist bullshit, sexual assault, or getting pissed on/whupped? I thought being in a frat was about, like, listening to Louie Louie and getting into hijinks? No? What’s the plus?


Yes of course she’s messy. Shes basically new to the industry so she has to do things to broaden her fan base. That so called bite was a playful bite according to others who were there. Therefore Tiffany took something that was really nothing and made it into something for gain. Now she wants to let it go. I believe

And for fuck’s sake, watch out for the goddamned TOPES!

My original point - actually counter to my last point - was that “10-15 Canadians” (even personally) isn’t really grounds for “a LOT”.  Seeing as there are about 11 million Mexicans in the US.

You’re missing the entire point of my comment. The point isn’t that “yeah, it might be risky, but the risk is worth it.” Rather, the point is that it is actually no riskier than visiting places that people don’t bat an eye about.

There are millions of people in Iraq and Syria haven’t been killed by ISIS either. Safe and dangerous aren’t absolutes. Risk is a game of chance. If people are comfortable with the risk, great, but awareness is still important.

You will like it here. Big enough to have everything, small enough to avoid the fast life of big cities, great food, SAFE, close to the sea and cheap BUT:

It’s even funnier when people get scared to go to a the resort part of Mexico in Cancun/Playa del Carmen. Then they say, “oh this is nothing like that I thought Mexico would be!” Which is true, because it’s not really Mexico.

A better comparison might be Mexico City vs. a large metropolitan city in the U.S.. LA perhaps?

I went to Mexico City, saw the absolute fear in the eyes of people when I mentioned going out for a walk, the barbed wire around the houses of anyone with a little success, and I am one and done.