I’m so sorry for you, the old man, and the dog. But thank you for doing what you do. I follow many foster accounts on Instagram because it cheers me up to see people actively doing good in this world.
I’m so sorry for you, the old man, and the dog. But thank you for doing what you do. I follow many foster accounts on Instagram because it cheers me up to see people actively doing good in this world.
Here is a thing that happened- I rescued a pregnant dog last year, found homes for all of her puppies, and promised the adoptive families that if they ever needed to return the dog, they could. I’ve made this offer a dozen times over the years, and the only time someone took me up on it was when they lost their…
I’m glad you have such a good friend. I’ve been trying to pull myself together to study for my final that’s left. Talking to my support network and finding the things in life to make me happy.
This is really great. I live far away from my mum and at also 34 I’ve found myself gravitating towards 50something friends also. My dance ladies are all at different ages and stages and they are such a wealth of information and inspiration. Glad you had such a wonderful day!
I’ve always had close friends who are a wide range of ages. I just don’t get why people find this strange. Aegism maybe? In any case, I really loved the way you described this friendship. It is lovely.
Craft thread!
This was so wonderful to read. Thanks for sharing.
I wish I could steal stars from other articles to give to this one.
Reading that was extremely calming. Thank you for sharing.
We need to make a parody video of this PSA but it’s a series of shots of people being outraged about Trumps latest tweets and at the end it’s “While you were busy paying attention to the latest twitter outrage, Trump was in the background getting away with shady shit” and you see him in the background shredding his…
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.
This is men. No where in his pissbaby rant did he mention consent. “Do you think it’s wrong to send people pictures of yourself?” Yeah, if they haven’t asked for them. “Are porn stars creepy” No, they consented to those videos being distributed to the public. And the public isn’t being forced to watch them. The…
That feeling when a ressurected Jesus Christ would get along better with Satanists than a good 95 percent of his own flock.
I haven’t watched HGTV in a while, but I always liked that gay families were just families.
God damnit this show is amazing. I work in a cubicle hell type office environment, and I was once again shaming two of my co-workers/friends for not watching this show. Mid-way through my pitch, an older, 50-ish, Trump voter white woman pops into the convo and excitedly asks, “What show are you talking about?” I’m…
Can we take a moment to acknowledge how sexy AF the ending scene with Lawrence was? Jesus, that man.
d’awwwww dogs are amazing even if I continually have to remind myself of that notion because our youngest handful is a bit draining. I’m sorry for your loss but oh so happy for your new addition to the family.
Hey heading out to Trump protest right now. Bummed that none of my friends are into it even though its right outside their front door. Wish me safety and luck!
What are some good websites to buy feminist themed shirts, bags, etc?
Today I went out for the first time since Tuesday (besides work) and I felt really unsafe. I went to get coffee at a local shop and someone had put up handdrawn Trump and MAGA signs over town. I was extremely aware of my surroundings and being a WOC. I havent felt like this in so long. I came home and started to get…