
Hair question!

That’s how I felt throughout the entire book. I hated reading about some wealthy white lady who was able to afford taking time off from work to travel the world and find herself. Or maybe I’m a hater. *shrug*

Agreed. This article felt mean in the most unnecessary way.

I read your comment in Drake’s rapping voice and it was kind of great.

He is really fucking good on the banjo so I get the obsession. But I totally understand the whole concept of “I hate this person and don’t know why.” My person is Rene Zellweger.

I definitely have some thoughts on the “MEternity” leave situation.

This world needs more bragging threads. Thanks for starting one. :)

At least you found the party! :)

I love this meme. Makes me giggle every time I see it.

RIGHT? I am so glad that I started this thread. It really is helping me sort my thoughts.

Yeah, I will say that the Bernieorbust people actually infuriate me... Because it’s actually a really good (but fucked up) strategy to get people like me to consider voting for Bernie since so many Bernie supporters refuse to vote for Hillary. I find it terrifying that they would allow the GOP to potentially win the

I agree with all of this. I also trust her more on foreign affairs. She very diplomatic.

You should post this photo in a reply back to that woman.

This is now my 5th presidential election that I’m voting in and I can honestly say that I don’t know who is going to get my vote on Tuesday in NY. I lean towards both Hillary and Bernie for different reasons and they also agree on so many important issues. I realize this is a good problem to have because it’s not a

I used to think that and but I keep seeing people all over NYC rocking joggers in a stylish and somewhat polished manner.

I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been able to get to a better place and have a great support system. I hear you on the dating front. It’s rough out there. Hopefully we’ll both figure that shit out when we’re ready. Thanks for the luck!

Thank you!

It’s 100% true. I witness it all of the time. “I don’t trust that this person will do a good job so let’s give this task to [insert already overworked person].” It also speaks to lazy supervising. If you’re not willing to help someone grow by giving them tasks and assisting them through the process, then you either

Oh man... SO SO painful! But I’m glad to hear that it will be worth it. Thank you.

Thank you!