
Ugh... Dogs are the best. Thank you.

Thank you! I really appreciate the validation that career changes like this can lead to a happier and healthy life.

I’m watching one of my favorite guilty pleasures ever. Something’s Gotta Give.

2015 was a terrible year for me. I found myself in a new work environment that is incredibly toxic, I had to put my dog down, I got a poor quality tattoo, and I was in a very unhealthy relationship. So I’ve been trying to keep 2016 more stable in an effort to be in a better place emotionally but I’m now at a point

lol This gif is always a winner.

Oh wow, those are good questions. If other student affairs people are seeing this, I would encourage them to chime in with their experiences.

Sure, I’m happy to elaborate a bit!

GOOD. I recently left the higher ed world as a student affairs professional and one of the reasons was because I couldn’t properly advocate for my student activist groups as their advisor. Advising groups like V-Day, Take Back the Night, and Black Student Organizations is a very tough place to be in academia. You want

I was there a few weeks ago for a feminist conference (go figure) and a bunch of us saw Britney and had the time of our lives. Totally bizarre and fun.

He definitely seems interested. I say give him your number!

I’m officially going to start calling that Broadway-Lafayette stop that. lol

This week sucked and then I remembered that Broad City is back in my life.

I loved that show but was always so annoyed by the unnaturally fast dialogue. Everyone was so quick-witted all the damn time on that show that it felt distracting! It was like Aaron Sorkin made it his mission to insert as many clapback comments as possible in his writing.

I had Mirena for a year that I actually had removed a month ago. I will be honest that the IUD is not for me. At least, not right now. My acne is very hormonal so going off the pill made my skin go crazy and it remained that way on the IUD. I also always felt like I had PMS. Constantly crampy.


YasKween! ;)


It is quite Scalandalous.

I really hate Valentine’s Day in this new age of social media. I’m not even a bitter single who hates on couples. Really. I’m sincerely happy for people who are in healthy relationships. But my god... All of the proclamations of love on social media already irritate me on an average day so you can imagine my annoyance

Fellow NYC Jezzie over here who is also dealing with a poorly sealed AC unit. Gah! It’s really cold so I’m under the covers and about to watch The Theory of Everything.