
So she lost like 4lb? Inspiring.


And this is why Rudy Nosferatu Giuliani is a failed politician and probably couldn’t even be elected dog catcher. Thanks for your irrelevant opinion, Nosferatu.

Cosmo- we’ve never been able to pick a dog name bc they are a bit older rescues

Here is my CAPE (hands-free!) I got a lot of compliments and nice people asked to take pics. Posted earlier today but what the hell:

I marched in L.A and while it was REALLY overwhelming (over 500k people showed up!!) it was so inspiring to see.

I now ship you with very nice young protest man. I love the idea of people meeting their future SOs at this march. So important to know that you’ll be respected right off the bat.

The shirt I wore today and the reason I couldn’t march. The photos I’ve seen are amazing and definitely reinforce why taking a baby (or leaving baby and somehow finding a way to pump) would have been miserable.

That shirt is fantastic!

Nick Offerman rocking the pussy hat.

I made suffrage/National Women’s Party sashes!

I’ve never felt so proud in this moment. To have met so many amazing - huge understatement - people has revived my soul like never before.


Hey guys! Here i am at my local march. IM not always clever, but i do go for the jugular most times. So I have a very to the point but appropriate sign lol. Comes from my years of service at PP I guess.

Hi all! Thank you so much, everybody who marched! I’m so heartened by everything that happened today around the world. We needed this. To politicians: would you like this big group of people supporting and voting for you? Listen to our very valid concerns and speak out about things that matter to us and we will get

My father is loving this. I got him a black pussy hat to wear. He’s planning to wear it to torment the old vets who voted for Trump. He likes to yell at them about voting for him.

I cried yesterday reading the updates on Twitter about the inauguration. It was heartbreaking.

I live in a funny little corner of the world, so no march here, but I’ve been tearing up seeing all the great photos and reading all the inspiring stories. Proud to be a woman today. We rock!

Craft thread! With a special focus on what signs, outfits, displays you wonderful Jezzies made to march today.

Can I share my poster from the Denver march here? Because I’m super proud of it and still riding a giddy high from the march. What did you guys’ posters say?