Flumbo McPherson

Sly is mad that he’s no longer one of the biggest box office stars. This man has such a monstrous ego that he went to the writer of the book on which “Cobra” was [loosely] based, asking to replace her name with his.

Seems like it would be pretty roomy in there, though.

“Hey, hey, I may be selfish and useless but I, um... what was the third thing you said?”

There is something funny about the dude who made Rocky V saying how he would never exploit the franchise for greed.

So, uh, mind telling us why the header is an image from Elden Ring but that game isn’t even mentioned once within the article?

Arguably, we’ve already had the “perfect” D&D movie”

No one being bothered has to be in a private server they don’t like.

heh. Yes please tell me more about the moral right people have to harass, solicit and hurl racial slurs at other people. Who are predominantly children.

The product you’re sold is the medium and a licence. The EULA is, by definition, the terms of that licence. The intellectual property is distributed to you at sale on condition that you agree to the other conditions of the licence or return the software to the point of sale. If you don’t agree to the terms, the

Right. You’re sold a licence and an optional physical medium. The licence is contingent on the conditions of the EULA - if you don’t have a valid licence, you can’t use the intellectual property it controls.

Yeah, except your house isn’t a computer connected to the internet using a private platform. I bet you’re one of these “it’s my private property I can do literally whatever I want” types” when that, too, has never been true. Every day people are told what they can and can’t do on their own property, AND the property

You were never sold the rights to the intellectual property, you can’t have rights taken away from you that you never had. I guarantee you, you have never owned any software that you weren’t explicitly sold the intellectual property rights to or didn’t make yourself. Even FOSS software isn’t given to you, it’s always

I love that you’ve convinced yourself I’m the dumbass. You have a good night.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

CVorrect, Microsoft should not be able to tell other people how to use their game in a private setting. the author of a book doesn’t get to ban my friend from book club at my residence because my friend uses hate speech at book club in my house.

You keep citing honesty. Personally I think honesty would be conceding that what you originally argued, and that a lot of the responses have been in the context of, is unworkable and unreasonable. Like it or not, you have moved the goalpost by applying limits on your original argument. Perhaps you could start with

Likewise, when you buy a piece of software, you own the physical medium it was given to you on (like the book) but you don’t own the intellectual property it contains (the content). The only way to legally get the software (or any product) is to agree to a contract that has conditions, and if you breach those

I read the whole thread. I literally described most of your replies.  No one needs a strawman when you’re not putting any effort into an argument.

I’m sorry. I tried taking you seriously for a minute, but I guess you got nothing but screaming “IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.”  Have at it, kid.

Uhhh...comparing a video game being monitored to ensure most users are in compliance with a user agreement to “living in a police state” ain’t the look you think it is chief.