Flumbo McPherson

I don’t know. In a world where there are some countries that still imprison or even execute people for their sexuality, and in a country where people in a state in which a gay man was horribly murdered can wear t-shirts advocating violence towards gay people and sell out, or a shooting at a nightclub can be seen as a

To me, it feels like people are finally putting their money where their mouth is. Instead of just saying “I’d like to see more LGBT+ characters in things”, they’re actually doing it.

Diversity of representation is more variety.

going where every single other talk-show host will also go.

No, you’re not even allowed to say that.  Movies, and video games, and comics acknowledging that the world no longer singularly revolves around the straight white male isn’t pandering.  And there is no such thing as “too late” when it comes to representation only “about fucking time”.

One of the cringiest moments from any documentary was the two neckbeards singing "George Lucas Raped My Childhood" at the beginning of The People vs. George Lucas.

You want to know how I know you don't read comics?

Yeah, anyone who uses the “that’s gonna ruin my childhood!” bullshit will only get one answer from me.

How is having a new character come out as a typical sexuality pandering? I’ve been reading comics for forty years and I’ve been in online comics fandom for twenty. Most of the comics fans I know are gay or bi. Why shouldn’t the characters we read about reflect some aspects the lives of the people spending money for

Always hated the “ruined my childhood” thing. Never makes much sense.

I can never quite understand the “ruined my childhood” thing.

Hate to break it to you, but capitalism doesn’t fear anti-capitalist messages, it monetizes them. Anti-capitalism is a brand.

They also both weren’t what we were talking about, we were talking about the one and then you chimed in with the other in an attempt to derail the conversation because in truth you don’t want anyone talking about either.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s become pretty obvious that we need to stop naming things after people. Buildings, monuments, natural features, telescopes, whatever, need to stop being named after people because EVERYONE has said (or will) say or done (or will do) something problematic.

Interesting shifting of the goalpost there. First they didn’t complain in a timely enough manner, now they’re making unreasonable demands.

“Because he wasn’t also a social justice trailblazer.”

The fact that you weren’t listening doesn’t mean people haven't been complaining the whole time. 

Let him be honored by myopic nerds who don’t have a strong sense of moral courage then. If you’re an adult then you should know full well that honoring someone isn’t often a specific thing and tends to be perceived as comprehensive, you look at the plinth or the statue or the object and think “so and so must have been

Oh, he was “just folloving ze orders”? I’m sure that’s okay, then... Pretty sure they decided at Nuremberg that as long as somebody tells you to be evil, you have no culpability for it, right?

No, they didn’t find any evidence that he was actively involved beyond just enforcing broader policies coming from the Presidents he worked for.”

Ah, so he was only following orders?