Flumbo McPherson

No one would have blamed you for saying to lazy to get off his ass.

Well, there’s House of Gucci that’s coming out literally a month after this one.

I really like Blade Runner, but I also think Alien is an even better movie than people think it is, and people seem to think it’s pretty good.

Favorite Ridley Scott film?

I cancelled my Netflix subscription back when they gave Goop a show, but was thinking of resubscribing to see the new Gundam movie.

Honestly shit like this is why people need unions. 

It's an internal memo that reads like a fucking press release. Netflix can get fucked. 

The whole thing is just so fucking exhausting. 

“In terms of our commitment to inclusion, we’re working hard to ensure more people see their lives reflected on screen and that under-represented communities are not defined by the single story. So we’re proud of titles like “Sex Education,” “Young Royals,” “Control Z” and “Disclosure.” Externally, particularly in

His statement starts with -"Chappelle is one of the most popular stand-up comedians today, and we have a long standing deal with him..." That's all he cared about. 

On top of the tone-deaf memo, he had the nerve to use marketing speak like “stickiest.” He can go fuck himself.

Yeah it was never going to be taken down he’s very popular and they spent a lot on him, but I’m glad people have spoken up about it. He’s a rich cranky old bigot that is uncomfortable (weirdly obsessed) with trans people. His opinion on it just doesn't matter and he's punching down. This causes harm. If he's not going

“Chappelle is one of the most popular stand-up comedians today, and we have a long standing deal with him. His last special “Sticks & Stones,” also controversial, is our most watched, stickiest and most award winning stand-up special to date. “

I think people have been saying that about the show since the first episode 

The Venn diagram of Kardashian fans and Star Trek fans looks just like Kim’s tits: two big circles with a noticeable gap between them.

If their objective was to bring in a host that has no talent, comedic timing, screen presence, or even pop culture relevance, then it’s a good thing Steve Forbes was too busy this week to come back.

I’ve been out of the loop for some time now but I figured Kim Kardashian would’ve stopped being relevant by 2012.

“Well, IGN says the latest Call of Duty sequel is 10 out 10 and has a little bit of fun for everyone, any critic that disagrees is clearly not doing their job right”
-A lot of fucking idiots

Dude, if you’ve convinced yourself that the older, kinja-less version of the AVClub would go any easier on this trifle, I don’t know what to tell you.

If a comedian never crosses the line, I’m not sure I can respect them.