Flumbo McPherson

Who would’ve guessed in 1998 that Julia Louis-Dreyfus would be the only lead cast member left with her dignity intact in 2021?  

In the comic books, for years, the original Venom was almost entirely defined by his connection to Spider-Man. The character literally didn’t exist outside of that connection. He came into existence as a synthesis of two distinct characters who both had significant grudges against Peter Parker himself and his costumed

The narrative says they’ve had a supernaturally good winning streak. You’re assuming that’s on one dude, who is a self-obsessed ticking time bomb BTW, out of four - but we don’t see who it’s on because the focus hasn’t been on the games, it’s been on the things you clearly think are irrelevant or boring or whatever.

The furries aren’t here for Lindsay Lohan’s fursona NFT”

You’re right that Nate’s story has other dimensions, but to me his reaction to the social media conversation is a byproduct of the toxic masculinity he’s allowed to drive his worldview. Allowing a single tweet—we haven’t seen him check social media since—to trigger something like his attack on Will does certainly

What is bad about Roy and Keeley’s relationship? What aspect of it isn’t working? The show has never even tried to answer these questions.

Is it possible to have a Wes Anderson-related article that isn’t immediately taken over by commenters volunteering the way they’d personally rank his filmography? Because I’ve never seen it not happen.

I think by “radical” change he means they should give James Bond a skateboard and a guitar so he can do cool tricks while chasing after bad guys in urban areas before rushing to his band’s gig at night.

I’m amazed James Corden isn’t in there somewhere. Oh shit, he’s Yoshi, isn’t he?

It’s so awesome they cast Joe Pesci as a Bob-Omb.

This cast has actually made me want to watch the movie because of just how much of a garbage fire it’ll be. KMK as Toad alone is probably going to have a thousand memes based on him.

Those guys wouldn’t be caught dead in another Mario movie.

So the 1993 Super Mario Bros is now canonically the best Super Mario movie of all time?

You’d think they would go with Bob Hoskins and Dennis Hopper again, those two don’t seem to be up to much these days.

100% agree. It’s not a blanket age, it’s the individual. Ben Platt looks like a 37 year old youth group pastor who plays acoustic songs about how alcoholism destroys family life.

If anyone is interested in a movie with a similar premise (fake suicide note suddenly brings notoriety and possibly happiness to the protagonist) that realizes that premise should actually be a pitch black comedy, check out World’s Greatest Dad.

Yeah, this has Gentleman’s F written all over it.

This review makes it seem like the review should have been pushed into a D+, where the best parts still don’t make the endeavor of watching it worth it, and not interesting enough of a failure to enjoy.