Flumbo McPherson

The guy clicks on the article, comments on it, and then claims he doesn’t care about this. People are so weird. 

Of course, the same might be said of your opinion.  

Taylor, who’s alternated high-profile HBO gigs with the big-budget franchise maintenance of Thor: The Dark World and Terminator Genisys

Well yeah, anyone who saw Terminator Genysis. 

Has anyone considered that directing films might not be Alan Taylor’s forte?

I hope no one knows who I am through my kinja account. The last thing my constituents need is more ammunition against their Prime Minister. 

Bohl and Bread? Boil and Bread? Bohr? Bohic? Basic?

Yllehs, meet Katie. Katie? Yllehs.

Katie, meet Yllehs.  Yllehs?  Katie.

Nobody wants to fuck somebody who’s into globes.

“Nobody wants to f*** somebody who’s into globes.”

Here are the worst (enter listicle)” is a really cynical way to start a Monday. Couldn’t you have done, “Most chef’s tattoos suck, here are the ones that don’t”?

Here you go, although it gets a few points for making me laugh.

I thought Fat Bear Week celebrated something else entirely.

Agreed completely. These columns - and their predecessors - have been the absolute highlight of the site for the past few years, showcasing the sort of intelligent, knowledgeable articles on pop culture - with the right mixture of facts, analysis and personal opinion (that never fell into feeling like someone’s

Tom, all three of these series of columns have been appointment reading for me the last few years. I really hope you've got another one in the works. Otherwise, I'll have to go back and start Age of Violence over again.

This has been a great series, and it’s kept me coming back to the AV Club for each update. And now that the series is over....well, that’s probably it for me around here. Here’s to a genuinely great series of essays, and here’s to what was once one of the finest websites around. And finally, here’s a hearty fuck you

Tom, you are the man. Six decades worth of cinema and you made each article such a captivating read. I can’t wait to see what series you come up with next for A.V. Club- will definitely be in it for the long run.