Flumbo McPherson

You’ve just had a signature David E. Kelley viewing experience: Take a vaguely promising premise and write it into the ground by episode 4. Finish the series hating yourself and wondering who continues to allow Kelley to write shows and why he hasn’t found an editor or writing partner capable of steering him away from

still watching for the cast but by now I really wish this had been a show where every episode one of the group gets the spotlight to deal with their shit (which I realize is much more basic but where is the shame in that?)

Congratulations, you won the genetic lottery. Most of us lost it and experience some amount of unpleasantness when we consume dairy, ranging from minor to nearly debilitating (and embarrassing if it happens in public). The only long-term solution is to not consume dairy. No need for a doctor to diagnose it.

I actually roared with laughter at this, you must be either very young or very healthy, but most human bodies do not process dairy well in adulthood, there’s no need to see a doc, this is simply a normal (yet horrible) part of lactose intolerance... I highly recommend lactase pills, just don't use them too much, you

It’s called lactose intolerance. I just discovered it personally this year - at 54! My daughter is experiencing this too. Thankfully it isn’t TOO bad and I’ve never been a big dairy person anyway.  Cheeses vary in terms of how much lactose they contain, so I have to be careful with soft cheeses or too much of any

lots of people start to develop some degree of lactose intolerance in middle age. i take it you’re not quite there yet. that, and its just a ton of calories/fat, etc. 

nah I googled around, saw similar sentiments. don’t like dealing with similar harassment, deleted said person that reminds me of that harassment.

I’m not entirely unconvinced this series was not conceived by Ryan, BJ Novak’s character from The Office.

Who on EARTH thought this would succeed? The bus ads for this, with BJ Novak’s smirking face and the message “The Anthology of NOW” are fucking embarrassing. Not to add into it BJ Novak is a known creep who will slip into any attractive woman’s DMs and try to exploit their love of the office-- he is bound to get

I figured this would be the kind of series that beats you over the head with the message.  I started watching Black Mirror and hot damn was that unsubtle as hell, couldn’t make it past the first few eps, this seems the same way.

Episode 1: Doogie starts work at the hospital, discovers it doesn’t have enough PPE for the staff. She’s forced to re-use an n95 mask, intended for single use, for a week straight and works 20 hour shifts tending to unvaccinated Covid patients.

“So listen, we want you to write an apologist puff piece for a dictatorship. The angle is that Chinese video games are predatory anyway so regulating restrictions on media access is good actually, plus China isn’t anti-gaming because they welcome money from a company run by sex pests. Oh, and be sure to call folks

You just compared dumping nuclear waste to video gaming. There is no saving you. The CCP propaganda programming is too deep in you. 

You compare gaming to toxic waste in your 2nd paragraph, and WE have the bad takes? Spare me this apologist garbage.

The NPPA is a government regulatory branch that oversees print, online, and broadcast media more broadly, but has sole purview over digital games.”

you know how whenever someone defends Jeff Bezos or Activision we tell those bootlickers that billionaires don’t care about you and you should stop defending them? Well, totalitarian dictators who oppress whole peoples and send muslims to re-education camps really don’t need you to defend them.

The restrictions imposed on players don’t come from a law; it’s an industry regulation recently passed by the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA). As a parallel example: Imagine that you’re an American company that wants to dump radioactive waste into a lake, and the Environmental Protection Agency

The history of china and still to this day is about contribution, culture and control. This is not an oversimplification, its a succinct way to describe a governmental system that believes in conformity for the betterment of all, at all costs. Yet here you are talking about “industry regulation” like it is not tied to

Wow! Kotaku now speaks for the government of china ...

So a combination of the usual regulatory trifecta: