Flumbo McPherson

If a job requires 80+ hours a week... hire 2 fucking people. No one should EVER work that much. There is no benefit to overworking people.

Bad b8 m8

Everyone knows that people love to work themselves to death so some asshole in a suit can get a bigger bonus this quarter.

They always think they are clever when they ooze in, squealing about entitlement and bootstraps and going “You are lazy, I work 80 a week and do it freely.”

If we had some sort of restriction where when the clock strikes 40 hours the servers shut down and you can’t work anymore, that would frustrate people to no end.

Fresh account looking to troll, and doing a boring fucking job of it too.


Look, you might be just fine licking boots in your industry, and more power to you. The rest of us understand that “everyone does it this way” is not an excuse for anyone doing it this way. “It’s bad everywhere, so we should just give up trying to make it better anywhere,” is a cowardly, lazy outlook.

This is inevitable in a capitalist society without robust labor protections and union membership.  

Has anyone else noticed the literal same conversation occurring across all industries, all the time?

An MLK tribute in Fortnite is in incredibly poor taste all around and I’m absolutely shocked it was allowed to happen. That trolls trolled it couldn’t be any more beside the point, of course they did, it’s sickening they were given the opportunity. 

and not his estates?

The King Center does not license Dr. King’s intellectual property, and, therefore, was not involved in any decisions concerning the endeavor with TIME Inc and PlayStation/Fortnite. These licensing decisions are made by Intellectual Properties Management (IPM).”-The Martin Luther King Jr. Center

What’s next, a Holocaust Memorial Day event where you can do the floss in a “shower”?

Just disable the entire thing, fucking tone deaf culture destroying assholes.

But trainwrecks are typically best seen on the big screen.

I still don’t get the need for directors to keep giving this incredibly lukewarm take. Yeah it sucks that the movie you made, a labor of love, didn’t get a full theatrical run. But also...cope. It’s not personal. It’s the result of a global pandemic that has killed ~4.5 million people (so far).

Well, the movie was also BAD amirite??? :P :P :P