Flumbo McPherson

I mean, I do think it’s possible for creators to lose track of the original themes and strengths of their work. Ray Bradbury has changed his story of what Fahrenheit 451 is about multiple times, for example, and we’ve seen sequels torpedo overarching concepts despite being by the original creator countless times

She sounds awful, and most of that stuff would cause me to not want to watch her in anything.

But I don’t understand why the vaccination stuff always leads these articles about her except that its attention grabbing given the state of the world. “She once had a frivolous view of vaccines but changed her mind.” Why is

At this point I’m afraid that we’ll find out Jennings has a shrine to Hitler in his basement.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Its so bad! It is *phenomenally* bad. Outer Wilds is probably my favorite game of all time, so coming into this I was a bit excited and its just... An absolute mess. Also, I say this for a line but it bears repeating, holy shit its stiff to play.

It really says something about the plot that I spent more time trying to REALLY be sure that the voice actors were James McAvoy and Daisy Ridley than trying to glue the plot together. (Seriously - Does it sound like either of them to you guys??)

I think something else that needs to be mentioned is how shallow the entire thing is mechanically. I played for about an hour-and-a-half and realized that I was kind of getting into the puzzle end game.

The same discourse has not repeated itself, despite a complete lack of content warnings.

This review is proof that spoilers are actually good.

Wow, am I ever glad I read this.  

Thank you for this. I’d been hemming and hawing about whether to buy Twelve Minutes given all the reviews dancing around the edges of the fucked shit in this game, so I’m glad somebody finally just laid out the garbage for me.

I swear to god, most of their films are what would normally be straight to DVD in the olden days, but wrapped in a hip, trendy, streaming service shell.

Netflix seems to have been beefing it pretty hard over the past couple of years. 

The Chapo people are proof positive that you can ideologically agree with someone on 95% of topics and still think they are self-righteous, toxic pieces of shit.

You’re just projecting your own tastes as general principle.

It’s the same thing as the Chapo dipshits turning their podcast into a dollar shave club ad. Once you start making money you stop caring about your ideology.

Mindy once talked about how a journalist who did a profile on her mentioned in the article that she ate jam on her toast and described it as confident or something similar.

Is it bad to like Walmart or Amazon more than smaller companies doing the design legwork who the bigger corporations copy, undersell, and bankrupt?

I always found it...interesting, I guess?...that for all the problems plus-sized models are supposed to address, they’re still stunningly gorgeous people. Like, yes, they are slightly larger than what we expect of models, and representation is good, but it’s hard to imagine most people looking at drop-dead gorgeous