
Then Hollywood got involved. “The overcrowding, drinking and street stunting were given national attention in the July 21, 1947 issue of Life Magazine, with a staged photograph of a wild drunken man on a motorcycle.[4] The events, conflated with the newspaper and magazine reports, Rooney’s short story, and the film The

He actually locked up the brakes and got out of shape coming down pit road then over-corrected and missed his pit.

Brand new King Ranch through an automatic carwash? Idiots get what they deserve.

rule #2: See rule #1.

Depends on what you touch them with.

June 14th, Front gate now part of the Red River.

“can mean the loss of a limb or far, far worse.” Like becoming IED’s.

Using your loophole, then this would be most powerful naturally-


It’s the setup, by running at a slight angle you get more spoiler in the air flow.

Yep but you won’t see that part at the track.

you say that like it's a bad thing.


RIP In Piece? Is that like an ATM machine? Peace.

2 seater, mid engine. Mach 2

It’s not a boat, no need for an anchor.

56 feet long, 13 feet and 6 inches wide, with 4 turbine engines and 12,000 horsepower, built to break the world’s propelled speedboat record of 220.5 mph.